LG Professionals WA proudly presents the 2024 Age Friendly Australia National Conference in collaboration with the Department of Communities and the World Health Organization. Taking place on Wednesday 4 – …
For 14 years, the UN Open-ended Working Group on Ageing focused on identifying gaps in the existing international framework of the human rights of older persons and determining how best to address them. …
University of Galway and University of Waterloo, Canada are collaborating on this project, and data will be shared between the two universities.
IfA Global Cafe| In Conversation with Ms. Maria Iqbal. IFA invite you to participate in their forthcoming Global Cafe event, which offers an opportunity to engage in a significant discourse. …
“Building connection to the 4Ps: People, power, place and purpose.” Are you interested in advancing human-centred policies that address the needs of ageing populations? The International Federation on Ageing invites …
The 17th Global Conference on Ageing is calling for abstracts, with age-friendly environments as a major theme. The Conference themes aim to inform, inspire and stimulate the exchange of knowledge …
WHO launched its latest findings on physical activity in June https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240096905 . Healthy Ireland data has shown only 33% of older adults aged 65-74 and 18% of those aged 75+ …
Age Friendly Ireland celebrates with Norway in Geneva, Switzerland – Let’s Grow An Age Friendly World Together. The Centre for an Age-Friendly Norway recently became an affiliate member of the …
A group of 20 delegates from the Western Region of Norway visited Meath County Council on 26th April 2024. The purpose of their study trip to Ireland is to learn …
The challenges faced by older people were highlighted in the EU_SHAFE Project Report on Ageism, which was launched by Louth County Council at an event in the Ardee Civic Offices, …
Walk21, the global walking summit, will take place this September 19-23 in Dublin, Ireland. The conference will bring together around 500 delegates and an incredible speaker line-up of over 60 …
Croke Park Stadium has been formally recognised as being Age Friendly by the World Health Organisation Global Network of Age Friendly Cities and Communities and Age Friendly Ireland. This designation …