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Age Friendly Library Events for November

Age Friendly Ireland | National

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Gorey Library Events

English Conversation Circle for improvers

Every Saturday at 2.30pm

To practise your English conversation, just drop into the library to join this informal group.

Lifting the Lid – Piano Hour

Monday November 4th at 2.30pm

The piano is open to all for an hour – open to all piano players.

Digital Skills for Everyday Life

Tuesday 5th November at 10:30am

Free session helping you with online services on Health and Wellbeing

Reading Club

Every Tuesday at 7pm to 8pm

For adults who want to build confidence and find the joy in reading.

Wordsmiths Writing Group

Every Friday at 2pm to 4pm 

Fulfil your writing dream in a supportive environment.

Digital Skills for Everyday Life

Tuesday 12th November at 10:30am

Free session helping you with online services on Good Advice and Travel

Indian Classical Music

Thursday 14th November at 6:30pm

ICMSI and Gorey Library present Ustad Amjad Ali Khan accompanied by Rupak Pandit on Tabla for a celebartion of Indian Classical Music

Movie Memories !

Monday 18th November at 11am

Watch a film from our latest collection of classics such as “I married a Witch”, Lust for Life, Mommie Dearest, Moulin Rouge, To catch a Thief…and many more. The audience chooses.

North Wexford Historical Society

Thursday 28th November at 7pm

Monthly talk with guest speakers and new topics each month.

Knitting Circle

Every Friday at 11am

All abilities welcome – just drop in.

Irish Circle

Every Tuesday evening at 7pm and every Saturday morning at 11:30am

All abilities welcome.

Ciorcal Cohmrá

Gach tráthnóna Dé Máirt 7pm agus gach maidin Dé Sathairn 11:30am

Bunclody Library Events

Digital Skills for Everyday Life, Tuesdays from 10.30am to 12.30pm, commencing Tue 5th  Nov.

Do you feel like you’re being left behind because everything is online? Then let us help you! Bunclody Library offers free, fun and confidential learning for 5 weeks starting on Tuesday, 5th

November for 5 weeks. Each week an expert will give a practical talk and workshop on the following: Getting Started, Everyday Essentials, Money Matters, Health and Wellness and Good Advice and Travel. Booking required.

Home Energy Saving Kits

Home Energy Saving Kits are now available to borrow from Bunclody Library. The kits contains a range of tools/exercises to help householders make sense of the energy they consume on a daily basis and to identify possible problem areas. Please contact the library at 053 9375466 or email for further details.

Digital Radon Monitors

Do you want to test your home for radon? Digital radon monitors are available to borrow for a period of 4 weeks from Bunclody Library, all you need is your library card!.

For more information please contact the library.

Bunclody Library Knitting Group – Every Thurs, 10.30am to 12.00pm

New members always welcome to join our knitting group which meets weekly.

Music Evening with Local Musicians – Thur 21st  Nov at 7.00pm

Join us this evening for a performance of a variety of musical styles from some of Bunclody’s finest musicians. Booking required.

To book events, please telephone 053 9375466 or book online at

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