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New Electricity Costs Emergency Benefit Scheme

Age Friendly Ireland | National

A €210 million Scheme has been approved by Cabinet to credit all domestic electricity customers with €100 in 2022. Approximately 2.1 million account holders will benefit from the scheme with …


Community Support and Health Service

Age Friendly Ireland | National

A SPOTLIGHT ON AGE FRIENDLY IRELAND POLICY TO PRACTICEWEBINAR 2  |  14th DECEMBER 2021 COMMUNITY SUPPORT & HEALTH SERVICES Download Agenda Register Here Access Slido Welcome Address Cllr Sean Drew  Cathaoirleach, …

Web 1

Age Friendly Housing Seminar

Age Friendly Ireland | National

A SPOTLIGHT ON AGE FRIENDLY IRELAND POLICY TO PRACTICEWEBINAR 1  |  2ND NOVEMBER 2021 AGE FRIENDLY HOUSING Download Agenda Register Here Access Slido Welcome Address Alana Officer Unit Head, Demographic …

dk11102021 countycouncil 012 website

Cork Healthy Age Friendly Homes Launch

Age Friendly Ireland | National

The Healthy Age Friendly Homes programme officially had its launch in Cork this week. Cork’s Local Co-ordinator Anthony Holmes was joined by the Mayor of the County of Cork, Gillian …

Galway Bay FM logo

Galway Talks – Positive Aging Week 2021

Age Friendly Ireland | Local | Galway County

Keith Finnegan of Galway Talks show on Galway Bay FM will cover the Theme of Positive Ageing Week each day of the week on his radio programme from 11.30 am …