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298 Entries
Active Retirement Ireland Logo

Reaching out

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Civic Participation and Employment, Communication and Information, Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Programme: National
Status: Ongoing
Active Retirement Ireland has put in place a multifaceted communication plan to ensure older people who are members remain connected to their local ARA, their region and national organisation. This is done through social media, email, telephone calls and postage of cards and letters. Information flows from national level out and feedback on how people are doing flows back We have passed on all Covid 19 updates: information on initiatives from our fellow organisations in the sector such as Seniorline Fitline Comminty call, Getting Started and Living and dying with dignity just to mention a few.
Galway City Partnership Logo

Reaching out to Older People -Staying Connected

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Communication and Information
Programme: Galway City
Status: In Progress
This initiative allowed for the purchase of Acorn smart tablets which were configured to support internet access needs of older people. Digital adoption is a significant challenge for many older adults and consequently this has limited the effectiveness of the public and commercial sectors that endeavour to serve them. Age related accessibility and design limitations, digital literacy and attitudes to technology are key contributors to this reluctance to embrace digital. As public and commercial services are moving online to increase efficiencies and reduce costs, the digital divide is increasing. Those not connected are becoming more socially and economically isolated. Isolation and loneliness have a proven causal impact on health and wellbeing. The ACORN is a smart tablet based solution, purpose-built to solve this problem through facilitation and simplified digital adoption for senior citizens. It achieves this through age-friendly, accessible design, interactive help tools and content tailored to the user. It offers easy access to the online world of communication and commerce. The company supplying the ACORN tablets provides customisation of each tablet for the user, they add local content and links that are of relevance to each user. Once the links are built in they can be added dynamically i.e. even after the users have received the ACORN. It will update automatically.
Age Friendly Galway

Read Together online book clubs for adults

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Social Participation
Programme: Galway City
Status: Ongoing
Three online book clubs for adults were established, hosted by a local author and facilitated by Galway Public Library service.
Age Friendly Tipperary

Regional Positive Ageing Week

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Civic Participation and Employment, Communication and Information, Community Support and Health Services, Housing, Outdoor Spaces and Buildings, Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Programme: Tipperary
Status: Completed
Regional Positive Ageing online festival capturing content for Health and Wellbeing, Information and cultural showcasing for Positive Ageing Week 2020
Age Friendly Tipperary

Reminiscing in Tipperary “Back in my Day”

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Respect and Social Inclusion
Programme: Tipperary
Status: Completed
The project captured stories and tales of the past, listening to the voices of older people across County Tipperary
Age Friendly Tipperary

Reminiscing in Tipperary Back in my Day

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Social Participation
Programme: Tipperary
Status: In Progress
Tipperary Age Friendly Older Peoples Council are developing a project to capture stories and tales of the past, listening to the voices of older people across County Tipperary.
Western Alzheimers Logo

Resdesign of Western Alzehimers communication & information platforms.

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Communication and Information
Programme: Mayo
Status: Completed
Western Alzheimers has an age profile of 60 Years plus. Based on feedback from families we set about redesigning our website, information leaflets and marketing information. This entailed a …
HSE Logo

Residents Cyling

Age Friendly Ireland

WHO Theme: Civic Participation and Employment, Communication and Information, Community Support and Health Services, Housing, Outdoor Spaces and Buildings, Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Programme: Cork County
Status: In Progress
We have introduced a bike which some of our residents use daily.