In delivering the Waterford Age Friendly Strategy 2023-2028, the Waterford Age Friendly Alliance will ensure that the City and County continues to have an age-friendly approach to policies, programmes, services and infrastructure relating to the physical and the social environment, enabling older people to live in security, good health and continue to participate in society in a meaningful way. Waterford City and County Council plays a key leadership role, and so it also has a vital role to play in the implementation of the strategy and in motivating the commitment and contribution of other key stakeholders.
Waterford Older People’s Council Executive is made up of 15 members and meets on the second Tuesday of each month. It was involved in the strategy consultation preparation, and the OPC has been involved in many events including during Positive Ageing Week and the Bealtaine Festival.
The Business Recognition Programme has, and will, continue to be rolled out across the City and County, giving businesses the chance to become more Age Friendly.
Local Programme Manager |
Grace Power Email: |
Local Technical Advisor |
Emma Power Email: |
Local Healthy Age Friendly Homes Coordinator / Administrator |
Kevin Moynihan Email: |
Local Older People’s Council Chair |
Chairperson: Ray McGrath |
Local Age Friendly Ambassador |
Ann Cusack |