The new Louth OPC was established in March 2023 . It includes a wider OPC membership of 100 plus individuals and an executive committee of 14 members.
Members of the wider OPC receive the weekly Age Friendly newsletter they also receive regular invites and updates about Age Friendly events and activities taking place throughout Co Louth.
The OPC executive committee meet approximately every 6 weeks. Meetings are held in each municipal district on a rotating basis. Some members of the executive committee are individual older people who are keen to have their voice heard on issues that affect older people and others represent organisations or community groups who work on behalf of older people.
The current Chairperson is Joe Grogan and we have two vice chairs Karen Coan and Rita Lambe.
The OPC are working to deliver the current Age Friendly Strategy in Co Louth.
One of the main projects they are working on is the establishment of a Care & Repair Service in Mid Louth/Ardee .This is a service to help older people with small maintenance jobs around their house and garden. Members of the OPC executive committee are working with community groups in the Ardee/Mid Louth area to progress this vital project.
Members are also exploring making Louth’s new GAA Stadium an Age Friendly Stadium , preparing for our annual Age Friendly Expo our theme this year is Keeping Safe at Home. OPC members have also established a steering committee to liaise with and contribute to Louth Sports Partnership and Louth Sports Inclusion Disability Officer around future sporting events & activities for older people in Co Louth and inclusion and accessibility around such events.