Cavan’s OPC Executive Committee meet generally every two months.
In the past year Cavan Age Friendly Programme have organised the following:
- Information Roadshows in Bailieborough & Cavan Town.
- Funding granted for the Stirring Memories ‘Parlour Songs’ initiative in 26 Nursing Homes/Social Care Groups/Day Care Centres/Older People’s Groups.
- Community Time Machine Project Cavan – Time Machine ( This project linked older members of the community with younger people and provided a forum for documenting stories and a creative exchange. The initiative was funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Creative Ireland and was led by Neighbourhood Networks in collaboration with Cavan Age Friendly Programme and Cavan Older People’s Council.
- The Lost Landmarks II short story book was launched and work has commenced with Older People both in Cavan and Northern Ireland on writing Lost Landmarks III.
- Cavan Age Friendly Strategy 2022-2024 was launched in July 2022.

- Businesses who took part in the Age Friendly Business Recognition Scheme in Cavan Town, Cootehill and Virginia were presented with their Age Friendly Business Charters at an Awards Ceremony in July 2022.
- Cavan Older People’s Information Guide was updated in 2022
- Cavan Older People’s Council Executive Committee met with Cavan General Hospital to review plans for the proposed extension to the Accident & Emergency Department and make recommendations on how Age Friendly Principles could be included in same.
- Cavan Older People’s Council took part in the Creative Ireland/Age Friendly Ireland St Brigid initiative with other counties in the North Region. A video was made as part of the project and members of Cavan Older People’s Council attended the launch of the video in Manorhamilton, Co Leitrim on 1st February 2023.
- The AGM of Cavan Older People’s Council took place in October 2022, a new Executive Committee was elected. There were speakers on a variety of topics and information stands present from various agencies and organisations.

- Cavan Older People’s Council and the Age Friendly Programme Manager are members of the ICPOP team hosted by the HSE and attend quarterly meetings of same.
- In 2022 Cavan Age Friendly Programme collaborated with the Community Engagement unit of An Garda Síochána on two new initiatives for Older members of the community who are living alone.
- Older People’s Council Zoom Information Sessions took place during Covid and continuing in 2022 each Wednesday morning at 11.00 a.m. Topics covered to date have included Creative Writing, Supports available to Family Carers. Sustainable Living, Bowel and Bladder Health and local supports available from ALONE. and a creative workshop on making Christmas decorations from the garden.
- Cavan Age Friendly Programme partnered with the HSE, Monaghan County Council and An Garda Síochána on organising Wellness events for Older People during An Garda Síochána’s Community Engagement Week. The Cavan event took place in the Lavey Inn on the 25th May and was attended by Minister of State James Browne.
- An online Spring Workshop & Celebration of St Brigid took place on Friday 3rd February. The workshop was hosted by Joyce Fitzpatrick.
- Cavan Older People’s Council Drop-in Information Sessions returned to meeting in person in Spring 2023. Sessions took place in Cavan town and Cootehill on Wednesday mornings at 11am. Topics have included Crime Prevention, Gardening, Healthy Living, a History talk, and hands on Creative sessions. More sessions will be held in the Autumn.

- Cavan OPC took part in the Intergenerational Pen Pal initiative with student from Bailieborough Community School in May 2023. Planning is underway to roll out a host of intergenerational activities in secondary schools in the county in the Autumn.