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Age Friendly Ireland Awards 2024

Age Friendly Ireland is thrilled to announce that we are now open for applications to the Annual National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Awards for 2024. Each year a local authority hosts the awards event, and we are excited to reveal that Fingal County Council are hosting this year’s event on the 7th of November 2024 in the Crowne Plaza, Northwood, Santry, Dublin.

Again this year we have eight categories of awards, aligning to the WHO themes:

  • Transport
  • Active & Healthy Ageing
  • Business Innovation
  • Safety & Security
  • Communications
  • Environment
  • Community Innovation
  • Housing

If you feel your project is relative to one or more of the above categories,
you may tick each category and your application will be considered under each one.

We are seeking innovative projects from across this range of areas that have real impact and have the potential to be showcased and replicated. We will be welcoming initiatives at both local and national level. Shortlisted projects will be visited by the judging panel and invited to Ireland’s Age Friendly Recognition and Achievements Awards ceremony in Dublin in November.

Closing date for applications: Friday, 12th July 2024

Application Form – 2024

You can save your progress during the application process and complete it at a later time via a custom link. Note that the form does not auto-save, so we still recommend drafting your application in another document before transferring your content to the relevant boxes on this portal to avoid any loss of progress.

Near the end of this application, we will ask you if you are happy to allow us to share the data provided on the Age Friendly Ireland website. This will allow us to add your initiative or project to our searchable database of age friendly initiatives.

Questions marked with * are required questions. You will not be able to move on until you have provided an answer for a required question.

If you would like to read the application form in full, in advance of your submission you can download here. However, please note that only submissions received through the online form will be considered for the awards.