Basic Digital Skills
weekly online classes teaching older people how to stay connected with friends and family, do their shopping online, download ebooks and enewspaers, magazines etc.
Bealtaine Caption Competition
Bealtaine Caption Competition
Befriending Service
Befriending Services during Covid that Clare Co. Council supported partners through the Community Resilience Fund to provide vital befriending services during Covid
Befriending Services during Covid
Clare Co. Council supported partners through the Community Resilience Fund to provide vital befriending services during Covid.
Bereavement Support Line
Many people have experienced and will experience the death of someone close during the COVID-19 pandemic. It may have been a COVID-related death or a death from other causes. People may also be finding a previous bereavement more difficult at this time. In the face of such loss, our Bereavement Support Line, in partnership with the HSE, is there to provide connection, comfort and support in these exceptional times.
Blue Vest Initiative
The Blue Bibs initiative for Cork City came about as a creative response to people’s fears and anxieties about Covid – 19 when out and about. The distinctive vests simply act as a reminder to passers by to respect social distance.
Booklet on Living and Ageing Well at home
Development of a Booklet entitled “Living and Ageing Well at home
Cairdeas Community Hospital
The Friends of Clonakilty Hospital are using the ACORN device to enable residents in the Hospital to connect to other residents and to family and friends in the community