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652 Entries
The Book Centre logo

The Book Centre

Age Friendly Ireland

Type of Business: Retail

Local Authority: Waterford

Address: 25 Barronstrand St, Waterford

Age Friendly Champion: Lorraine O'Brien

Bridge House Hotel Logo

The Bridge House Hotel

Age Friendly Ireland

Type of Business: Restaurants / Hotels / Bars

Local Authority: Offaly

Address: Bridge St, Tullamore, Co.Offaly

Age Friendly Champion: Geraldine Dolan

Age Friendly Longford

The Courtyard Café

Age Friendly Ireland

Type of Business: Restaurants / Hotels / Bars

Local Authority: Longford

Address: Hibernian Court, Townparks, Longford

Age Friendly Champion: Sheila Fitzgerald

Darnley Lodge logo

The Darnley Lodge Hotel

Age Friendly Ireland

Type of Business: Restaurants / Hotels / Bars

Local Authority: Meath

Address: Main Street Athboy, Town Parks Co. Meath

Age Friendly Champion: David Sheridan

The Erveryman logo

The Everyman Theatre

Age Friendly Ireland

Type of Business: Hospitality

Local Authority: Cork City

Address: 15 MacCurtain Street, Victorian Quarter, Cork, Co.Cork

Age Friendly Champion: Maeve Scannell

Falls hotel and spa logo

The Falls Hotel

Age Friendly Ireland

Type of Business: Restaurants / Hotels / Bars

Local Authority: Clare

Address: Glencree, Castlequarter, Ennistymon, Co. Clare

Age Friendly Champion: Seamas Doolan

The Gantly way logo

The Gantly Way

Age Friendly Ireland

Type of Business: Restaurants / Hotels / Bars

Local Authority: Tipperary

Address: Gantly Road, Roscrea, Co.Tipperary

Age Friendly Champion: Tommy Greed

AF Meath Full Col 150 dpi

The Gift & Home Boutique

Age Friendly Ireland

Type of Business: Retail - Homeware

Local Authority: Meath

Address: Main Street, Town Park, Athboy, Co. Meath

Age Friendly Champion: Mary Clancy