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Winter care packages

Age Friendly Ireland

Age Friendly Wicklow

WHO Theme: Community Support and Health Services

Resources Required: Financial, Services, Volunteer Staff

Cost: 500 – 1000

Status: Completed


590 gift bags including age friendly information guide, recipe booklet, lsp exercise booklet, colouring pencils, art pad, hi viz armbands, chocolate, winter ready booklet, hand sanitiser, quiz book, face masks, hand cream and playing cards as well as age friendly fridge magnets were distributed

Aim of Initiative

Older vulnerable people

Who is it aimed at

Older vulnerable people

Steps critical to success

  1. Funding
  2. Network
  3. Time

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Time
  2. Assistance
  3. Delivery tarhets

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Happy residens
  2. Promotion of age friendly
  3. Cooperation of different departments

