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Weekly Activities

Age Friendly Ireland

images 21

Programme: Meath

WHO Theme: Community Support and Health Services

Status: Ongoing


Duleek Women’s Forum was started in April 1986 originally to help women avoid isolation and loneliness. Currently our membership is mainly 55years plus. We meet every week on Tuesday Mornings from 10.30am to 12 noon. Our membership is 30 women approx. and our membership fee is 20euro a year and 3euro per week. Since January 2024 we have had classes in Patchwork, Crochet and shell craft. Talks on the Credit Union, Community policing. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Healthy Age Friendly Homes. We had 2 Coffee Mornings and Bring and Buy Sales for Meals on Wheels and Duleek Senior Citizens Outing Committee. Every month we attend the Active Ageing Film Club in Duleek Library. We also run a Chair Pilaties Class on Thursdays for the 55plus age group, which is light exercise to music and keeps us active. Our day trips included lunch in Castle Leslie Co. Monaghan, A Garden Centre, Swords Castle and Shopping, The Custom House and Shopping, and Newbridge House Donabate CO. Dublin. We also went to a show in the Ardboyne Hotel for Mothers Day. We Close for the month of August for the Summer.

Aim of Initiative

To have a meeting point each week for women to meet and have refreshments and a chat to finish

Who is it aimed at

Women aged 55 plus

3 Steps critical to success

  1. Community Spirit
  2. Friendship
  3. Working together to organise a programme for each meeting

3 Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Lack of Volunteers to set up the hall and tidy up
  2. same as 1
  3. same as 1

3 Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Excellent
  2. Excellent
  3. Excellent

