WHO Theme: Community Support And Health Services, Social Participation
Health & Wellbeing Theme: Nutrition Eating Well, Physical Activity, Positive Mental And Emotional Health, Staying Connected, Switching Off And Being Creative, Your Body Your Health
Funding Stream: Community Resilience Fund CovidHealthy Ireland Fund
Resources Required: Financial, Paid Staff, Premises
Cost: 1000-5000
As part of this action, older people supported as they age to maintain, improve or manage their physical and mental health and wellbeing by providing suitable and adapted opportunities for both the older adult themselves to be active and also providing training to service providers to lead physical activity in their care settings. A combination of specific adapted physical activity training programmes will be facilitated & delivered by TSP to increase the levels of physical activity among older adults in both community and residential settings across Tipperary. Three training programmes will be facilitated: – CarePALs, PALs and a Sport Specific Activity Programme working with Age & Opportunity and National Govern Bodies of Sport/Sport Providers. – The CarePALs programme aims to empower those working in day and residential settings to lead physical activities with older people who live in or visit their settings, training will consist of 2 days training. – The PALs training aims to empower PALs to deliver physical activity – a PAL is a Physical Activity Leader who is already part of a group or club and is willing to lead activities. PALs lead their local group in things like short exercise routines, fun games, simple dances and sports like pitch and toss. The training will consist of 8 days training. – Sport Specific Programme, a new sporting activity will be introduced to older adult groups, to provide further opportunities for older adult groups to be more active. This is a repeat action that is all county and will extend out to new participants and groups specifically targeting areas of deprivation.
Aim of Initiative
Older Adults
Who is it aimed at
Older Adults
Steps critical to success
- information and Awareness Raising
- Education and Training
- Networking and Collaboration
Challenges in Planning / Delivery
- Covid 19
Outcomes / Benefits
- Benefit to a wider catchment as participants will be able to provide physical activity for clients.