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The formation and establishment of a much needed Mens Shed on Achill Island

Age Friendly Ireland

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Programme: Mayo

WHO Theme: Community Support and Health Services, Outdoor Spaces and Buildings

Cost: 10000+

Status: Ongoing


Seid na bhfear Acla was formed last October emerging out of the ashes of Covid and in response to a variety of needs for an ageing community of men across villages on the island.
Having identified a significant need the initial focus has been on ensuring a permanent physical space to meet.
The shelter of a disused national school in Derreens was repurposed for this effect.
Within this base a safe,secure,supportive talking,sharing & socialising space grew meeting twice weekly (Mon& Thu 11:00-13:00)
Needs specifically and informally addressed through this group included:
* Enabling recently retired men to reorient their lives discovering new purpose & meaning while learning new skills or sharing existing skills with others.
* Facilitating those who had been tragically bereaved -walking with them in an unpretentious manner.
*Giving dignity and new focus to this who had lost their lives work/business when they were cruelly struck down by incapacitating illness.
* Making time and space for people to form new friendships with fellow islanders who they would know to see but never really knew.
* Providing focus through projects -making Yule time logs and festive reindeer
or more recently working to build a new purpose built meeting base (where y the former base could become a workshop)
*The new base to be made available to grupa mna grainnuaile -the kildownet womens group
* assisting in HSE research questionnaires/interviews by acting as a focus group
* hosting HSE/Flourish information sessions and forums for physical,mental, spiritual and social health
* establishing links with Mayo Sports partnership to make available appropriate activities for the various constituent members of the group
*plans to engage more with the wider island community on projects for centenary school celebrations etc.
* application submitted to easy treesy to roll out a sapling tree planting of native Irish trees across the island

Aim of Initiative

To ensure the healthy ageing of our community of men on the island of Achill ( when no such other opportunity is afforded to them)

Who is it aimed at

Middle age+ men on Achill Island

3 Steps critical to success

  1. Awareness raising, making people aware of its existence
  2. Giving the group a clear objectives and matters to focus upon/engage with- without this it could just become a mere talking shop and while there is merit and validity in this the Achill Mens shed strives to be much more than this.
  3. Recruiting members through direct approach, invitation-overcoming any preconceived prejudices about mens sheds that people may have. Showing that it is much more about enabling and practically/positively facilitating healthy ageing.

3 Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Overcoming reservations,shyness and lack of knowledge that potential members (who would benefit from being involved themselves)may have
  2. Funding. We’re it not for the generosity of some members in making available substantive materials,skills,resources we would never have our own base. Sustaining this is vital if we are to grow the group,widen involvement to women
  3. With an ageing group -keeping an eye on sustainability and succession planning for the future by awareness/profile raiding with younger members of the community. Overcoming the negativity of erroneous thoughts that this is the reserve of elderly men

3 Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Formation of an operational and functional group
  2. Accruing a range of benefits ( some visible & some hidden) across the membership of the group
  3. Physical presence of buildings signalling the groups efficacy in the local and wider community

