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Targeted community based sports & recreational facilities and programmes

Age Friendly Ireland

Dublin City Council

Programme: Dublin City

WHO Theme: Community Support and Health Services

Cost: 1000 – 5000

Status: Ongoing


The Dublin City – North East Inner City (NEIC) Sports & Wellbeing programme aims to provide accessible community based sports & recreational facilities and programmes, to encourage sustainable development & specifically to drive participation.
At the heart of the NEIC Initiative is the vision to make the North East Inner City of Dublin a safe, attractive, and vibrant living and working environment for the community and its families with opportunities for all to lead full lives.
Its Sports Development Officer, Peter O’Donnell has worked for the past two years on developing a suite of targeted sports programmes to encourage participation among the older residents of the area. These include Walking Handball, Boxing and Walking Football.
For example, handball is the ultimate game for both fun and recreation and well known among the older community around Ireland. The physical benefits of the game are endless. One-Wall Handball is the simplest form of that requires only a ball and any wall. This simplicity makes the game extremely feasible to be played in any location, indoor or out.

Aim of Initiative

Increase participation in sports from the older community in the North East Inner City of Dublin

Who is it aimed at

Older Community specifically in the North Inner City of Dublin

3 Steps critical to success

  1. To identify those charismatic local older residents who can act as a rallying point for other older residents
  2. To make sure facilities are available for sufficient times
  3. To ensure proper training and instruction is given to prevent possible injuries

3 Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Sourcing suitable coaches available to focus on older participants
  2. Promoting the activities among the local community and reaching those ‘hard to reach ‘ communities who dont engage or interact with the local authority
  3. Developing a four week programme to slowly build up ability and fitness

3 Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Increased participation and engagement from the older community in the north east inner city of Dublin
  2. Increased number of intergenerational events taking place, leading to better social integration among the young and older communities
  3. Greater engagement of the older community in the area with Dublin City Council allowing us to inform them of other services we provide

