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SWAP – Senior Wellbeing & Activity Programme

Age Friendly Ireland

South Side Partnership DLR Logo

WHO Theme: Community Support And Health Services

Health & Wellbeing Theme: Physical Activity, Positive Mental And Emotional Health

Funding Stream: Healthy Ireland Fund

Resources Required: Financial, Paid Staff

Cost: 0-500


Includes online programmes for exercise and mental wellbeing i.e. chair gym, mindfulness, getting your garden spring ready etc

Aim of Initiative

Older People

Who is it aimed at

Older People

Steps critical to success

  1. Being able to connect and inform people in community
  2. Being able to support technical queries
  3. Older generation engagement

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Covid and migration to online platform
  2. Getting access to people to inform them of offerings as normal channel i.e. community centres closed
  3. Target group less familiar with technology

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. For those who engage, connection, something different to do to fill lock down
  2. People returning asking for further classes
  3. Reduces isolation

Evaluation / Report:
In progress, no evaluation report

