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Strong Seniors 55+ via Zoom

Age Friendly Ireland

Westmeath Sports Partnership Logo

WHO Theme: Social Participation

Health & Wellbeing Theme: Physical Activity

Funding Stream: Sport Ireland

Resources Required: Financial, Paid Staff

Cost: 0-500


Strong Seniors 55+ was delivered Online via Zoom. Due to popular demand we delivered a second block. Each sessions was 45 minutesThe programme focused on basic strength and aerobic exercises helping you get stronger and fitter for life.

Aim of Initiative

Seniors 55+

Who is it aimed at

Seniors 55+

Steps critical to success

  1. Promotions through various channels
  2. Excellent Facilitaor
  3. Interation and someone to chat with

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Connection issues
  2. First time for some people doing classes online
  3. Limited in what you can do

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. It gave participants something to look forward to
  2. Kept them going during lockdown and have asked for it to be extended
  3. A new cohort reached

Evaluation / Report:
Both programme had 12-15 participants


Facebook page- Westmeath Sport