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Age Friendly Ireland

Third Age Logo

WHO Theme: Communication And Information, Community Support And Health Services, Outdoor Spaces And Buildings, Respect And Social Inclusion, Social Participation

Health & Wellbeing Theme: Nutrition Eating Well, Physical Activity, Positive Mental And Emotional Health, Staying Connected, Switching Off And Being Creative, Your Body Your Health

Funding Stream: National and HSE

Resources Required: Financial

Cost: 0-500


SeniorLine is Ireland’s national listening service for older people, the service delivered by 180 trained older volunteers. SeniorLine is open every day of the year, Freefone number 1800 80 45 91. 18,000+ calls received in 2020. Older people phone SeniorLine because they may be lonely and solitary, anxious, unwell, experiencing family conflict, bereavement, elder abuse, other. SeniorLine volunteers are trained to listen to respond with empathy and support, to discuss caller options and to direct to other services also as appropriate.

Aim of Initiative

Ireland’s older population – typically mid-sixties plus, often single, widowed and living alone.

Who is it aimed at

Ireland’s older population – typically mid-sixties plus, often single, widowed and living alone.

Steps critical to success

  1. Promote the SeniorLIne 1800 80 45 91 number to as wide a population as possible.
  2. Continue to support and enhance the work of our 180 trained older voluntters
  3. Continue to secure funding for service development and sustainability

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Difficulty in promoting to service to all the potential callers we could help
  2. Working to counter the negative effects Covid 19 has had on an older population
  3. Needing to find new ways to run fundraising events during Covid

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. More older people helped by SeniorLne
  2. More understanding and empathy towards older people with recognition of their continued contribution to society
  3. A more equal and socially inclusive society

Evaluation / Report:

