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Reminiscing in Tipperary “Back in my Day”

Age Friendly Ireland

Age Friendly Tipperary

WHO Theme: Respect And Social Inclusion

Health & Wellbeing Theme: Staying Connected

Funding Stream: Local AF Programme Funding

Resources Required: Community Support, Financial

Cost: 1000-5000


On 1st October Tipperary Age Friendly Older Peoples Council launched Reminiscing Project “Back in My Day” Volume 1 in Cabragh Wetlands. People in Tipperary were invited to participate in this project and 23 people participated in our first edition. A special thanks to all who took their time to share their stories and contributed to this showcase. The project captured stories and tales of the past, listening to the voices of older people across County Tipperary. It was a fantastic opportunity to capture the living history of Older Voices in Tipperary and to share stories and reminisces of our past, growing up in the county with the younger generations and showcase how in some instance’s things have evolved but also at its core how family and friends impact positively on our lives. The book was collated by Jimmy Duggan. Copies of the booklet can be obtained at your local library or by request to or reviewed on line .

Aim of Initiative

Who is it aimed at

Older Adults in Tipperary

Steps critical to success

  1. OPC project and their input
  2. Nursing Home Participation
  3. Engagement of Narrator

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Lack of direct contacts
  2. planned for audio and video engagment, quality received not high enough to recirculate, the lesson learnt is that the next time we will engage a videographer to target certain groups willing to partic

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Showcase of stories and participation
  2. New Contacts and linkages developed

Evaluation / Report:
