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Radio Campaign Keep Well

Age Friendly Ireland

Age Friendly Tipperary

WHO Theme: Communication And Information

Health & Wellbeing Theme: Staying Connected

Funding Stream: Community Resilience Fund Covid

Resources Required: Paid Staff

Cost: 1000-5000


Radio campaign promoting partners like ALONE, Citizens Information, Munitir na Tire, JIGSAW and the TCC Keep Well site. This radio campaign ran for 5 weeks on 2 radio stations with adverts promoting the supports available promoted. ALONE have advised in the CHO5 area they had 7 self refferal in all of 2020 and in the first 3 months of 2021 coinciding with radio campaign they had 15 self referrals which has positive impact the radio campaign message would also have promoted the Keep Well section on TCC website signposting other supports available

Aim of Initiative

population of Tipperary

Who is it aimed at

population of Tipperary

Steps critical to success

  1. targeted promotion of agencies best places to provide supports
  2. complimented with social media promotion with same message
  3. Keep Well section on TCC website great showcase and signposting of supports and services

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. gathering message , within time available for advert content

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. increased referrals for Alone, awaiting feedback from other partners
  2. building brand awarness of Keep Well

