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Positive Ageing Week – Local Heroes Campaign

Age Friendly Ireland

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Programme: Galway County

WHO Theme: Community Support and Health Services

Cost: 1000 – 5000

Status: Ongoing


Galway Age Friendly Alliance identified this initiative for Positive Ageing Week as a great opportunity to highlight the positive aspects of ageing and celebrate the amazing contribution of so many older individuals across our city and county. The initiative was initially identified by COPE Galway and has been developed over the 5 years of its operation to now involve Galway County Council, Galway City Council, the Public Participation Networks, Local Development Companies, and the Library Service.

We are all aware of the older individuals in our neighbourhoods who embody and demonstrate active and healthy ageing, and whose activities benefit friends, family and their community. The Local Heroes Campaign serves as a means of acknowledging and expressing gratitude to them, while motivating others to stay engaged with social activities, to volunteer, or to move to a more positive ageing journey.

How it works:
Each year, the project entails the identification of 30 individuals who are involved and enthusiastic in their own lives, and the lives of those around them. The individuals selected represent a range of genders, diversities, geographical locations, roles within families and communities, as well as levels and types of activities. The nominating partners engage with the individuals to create a 200-word biography which captures the unique essence of the individual. In addition, a professional photographer is procured for the project, and they visit the individual at their home and create an accompanying photo which again captures the uniqueness of the individual – this is also an essential part of the process in capturing important aspects of the biography of the individual which may come to light as part of the natural conversation with the photographer in identifying the ideal photo for that individual. Obviously, great care is taken to ensure data protection compliance in the use of information and photos, and ensuring the participant is comfortable at all stages of the process.

These biographies and photos are used as part of an exhibition during Positive Ageing Week (and surrounding weeks) in the City and County. The Panels are exhibited in our Libraries and other selected venues, with selected profiles shared with local media in their area, with features in local newspapers. The individuals themselves are honoured during a launch event held during Positive Ageing Week and are presented with a memento of the photo and biography by the Cathaoirleach (county participants) or Mayor (City participants), with their families and friends invited to the celebrations. In 2023, 3 events were held in Ballinasloe, Oughterard and Galway City, whereas in 2024 there will be one launch event in Galway Museum. This shows that the project can evolve from learnings and experience each year.

According to Professor Rose Anne Kenny’s book ‘Age Proof’, research shows that Ageism is widespread and detrimental. Research at Yale University demonstrated how our beliefs about aging can impact our physical health. Being exposed to positive aging concepts assisted individuals in managing stress, while being bombarded with negative stereotypes raised stress levels, leading to increased blood pressure and heart rate, ultimately harming health. Thus, the way we age is influenced by the portrayal of ageing in society, so this Campaign aims to challenge ageist stereotypes and present a more positive example for others to emulate.

Numerous individuals have taken part over the last 5 years, and we believe that this could be scaled up in other counties to celebrate active and healthy ageing, while combating ageism.

Aim of Initiative

The primary aim is to celebrate older people in our neighbourhoods who embody and demonstrate active and healthy aging, and showcase how they benefit family, friends, and their community. The secondary aim is for these individuals to bring about change for others through acting as role models, and to combat ageism through active promotion of the campaign.

Who is it aimed at

The initiative is aimed at all members of the general public. Particular aspects are intended to be intergenerational, for example, free colouring cards are available from venues such as libraries and youth centres, and children & young people are encouraged to colour and complete the card to give to an older person who is special to them, so that they are aware of their positive impact on their life.

3 Steps critical to success

  1. Collaborating with a range of local partners to identify older people who exemplify positive ageing.
  2. Ensuring that the contribution of these older people is celebrated in a professional manner, by developing a biography, professional photo, and launch event by the Cathaoirleach/Mayor to celebrate their active & positive ageing with their friends and family.
  3. Ensuring widespread promotion of the exhibition and biographies/photos through local media sources, to ‘sell’ the message of positive ageing and to combat ageism.

3 Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Ensuring there is a wide range of older people showcased, to broaden the messaging to all sectors of older people.
  2. Maximizing promotion to reach the broadest possible audiences through a range of mediums.
  3. Delivering on time and on budget!

3 Outcomes / Benefits

  1. On an individual level, showing gratitude to older individuals who have a significant impact on local life.
  2. Motivating and empowering other older people to manage their own ageing process, and to actively promote self-care and to stay active and engaged as they age.
  3. Combat ageism through the presentation of images, video, and information on role models for active and healthy ageing.


