Programme: Cavan
WHO Theme: Communication and Information
Funding Stream: Social Inclusion Budget
Resources Required: Paid Staff, Staff member within County Council organises but could be carried out by a volunteer
Cost: 0 – 500
Status: Ongoing
Weekly zoom information sessions are organised for older adults to sit in on. A variety of topics are covered in these sessions, for example, HSE – Fair Deal Scheme, ETB – Nutritional Advice for older adults, An Garda SÃochána – Crime Prevention Information, Gardening Tips, Laughter Yoga etc are just some of the topics covered to date, Creative Writing. The sessions are informal last up to one and half hour. A presentation is provided followed by questions and answers. Between 35 to 40 adults attend these sessions. Classes are advertised in the local media. Also through the Older People’s Council Network, PPN e-bulletins, ETB Community Education contacts etc.
Aim of Initiative
Older adults
Who is it aimed at
Older adults
Steps critical to success
- Engagement from older people
- Engagement with Service Providers (e.g. ETB, HSE etc), to provide sessions.
- Publication to ensure the public know of the classes
Challenges in Planning / Delivery
- Securing suitable dates/times with information sessions providers
- IT literacy levels of older adults
- Broadband quality
Outcomes / Benefits
- Older people are more informed on entitlements
- Good for older people’s mental health
- Good platform to advertise other activities, secure involvement of older people