Programme: Offaly
WHO Theme: Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Cost: 1000 – 5000
Status: Completed
Bealtaine Felting project.
Bealtaine provides an annual opportunity to consider a project for older people in the county to co-operate in the creation of an artwork. This has taken many forms in the past, with memories from the participants’ lives guaranteed to spark interest. In order to create a focus, Charleville Castle was agreed. This is a major landmark in the Tullamore region; most people in their childhood would have played there, picnicked, or just gone for a walk on a Summer’s afternoon. It would also be helpful in guaranteeing a sufficient number of participants to enable a tutor to be brought in.
A number of methods were discussed; the traditional knitting or crochet would not have adequate flexibility; not everyone is interested (or considers themselves able) to work in the field of ‘pure art’. But discussions with the LOETB co-ordinator brought up a method of dry felting that could fit the bill. This would allow a degree of artistic licence to explore hidden memories, and with proper encouragement, translate those faded abstracts into artistic expression.
While everybody was becoming familiar with the method, the tutor guided the exploration towards achievable aims, before embarking on our final piece. The wildest thoughts could be explored, then suggestions made as to how to make them ‘do-able’. All through this process, another strand was introduced; a little write up. Nothing too taxing, but utilising a strand of thought to add detail, or depth to the work. This also proved extremely successful, with participants drawing on prose, or even poetry and making it personal to each individual project. This would be exhibited with the finished work.
The transition between ‘I have no fingers, and ten thumbs’ , or ‘I don’t have a creative bone in my body’, was mesmerising! Luckily, with felting, no straight lines were needed, and in most cases, it was during the final framing process, that participants realised that their work really did tell the tale of the Champion Oak, the Swim in the Pond, the bluebells, primroses and the abundance of other natural elements than can so easily be overlooked in daily life.
For it is in the appreciation of the small things, these daily occurrences that enhance the ordinary, daily lived existence. It is the opportunity given to people to see what beauty exists all around us, and push expectations and abilities to re-create these experiences. The bonding that occurred between people during the workshops was another tangible element, its value not to be overlooked.
The launch of the exhibition of works in Tullamore Library, and subsequent showing in Kilcormac Library, created an awakening of desires to ‘go again’ for those participants; and hopefully to bring others on board for similar projects in the future.
Aim of Initiative
The initiative was aimed at older people in Offaly experiencing social isolation with an interest in learning a new skill. Also, this was a new activity for the network to use craft workshops to reach out and address social isolation and loneliness.
Who is it aimed at
The initiative was aimed at older people in Offaly experiencing social isolation and loneliness.
3 Steps critical to success
- While planning for ‘Bealtaine in Offaly 2024’ Offaly Older Person’s Network deliberated over using craft to depict images of our historical heritage as an activity during the month of May. Different ideas were explored and who the network might be able to collaborate with to achieve the aims of this project. The Offaly Age Friendly Co-ordinator and Offaly PPN Co-ordinator are members and the network is supported by Offaly Local Development Company’s SICAP programme. So, the decision was made to contact Laois Offaly Education & Training Board and to explore if there were supports available through Community Education.
- Meetings were held with LOETB with the offer of a tutor who worked with felt to work with the planning and implementation of the project. The proposed project was to use Charleville Castle and grounds to depict memories from the past using felting as a medium. The project was now possible with Laois Offaly Education & Training Board, Offaly Age Friendly Programme, Offaly PPN, Offaly Local Development Company, Tullamore and Kilcormac Libraries collaborating with Offaly Older Person’s Network to make this project possible.
- The tutor Pauline McNeilus then worked with Older Person’s Network members over 6 weeks to create beautiful pieces of art that depicted the social, environmental and historical images. Also, Pauline explored the participants’ stories from the past and guided each person to create their poem or piece of prose. When the workshops were completed the art work was put on display in Tullamore Library for the final two weeks of May. The exhibition subsequently moved and is now being exhibited in Kilcormac Library.
3 Challenges in Planning / Delivery
- The first challenge was to see how this could be a successful art and creativity project during Bealtaine in Offaly that would examine our history and heritage. This challenge was overcome when the different organisations agreed to collaborate to design and implement this project.
- Another challenge to overcome was increasing participants self belief and confidence in their artistic self expression. This was the participants first experience of showing their work in public with the Launch and exhibitions in Tullamore and Kilcormac Libraries.
- Following the success of this project we hope to continue to collaborate and in doing so address social isolation and loneliness with older people in the county. Similar projects should be planned by working together and using all available resources on a continual basis.
3 Outcomes / Benefits
- The collaboration of Laois Offaly Education & Training Board, Offaly Age Friendly Programme, Offaly Public Participation Network, Offaly Local Development Company, Tullamore Library, Kilcormac Library collaborated with Offaly Older Person’s Network to make this unique Bealtaine Felting Project possible. This was a most successful project and hopefully will lead to future similar projects.
- Participants were delighted with their artwork as encouraged and facilitated by tutor Pauline McNeilus. Pauline worked with the Older Person’s Network members over 6 weeks to create beautiful pieces of art that depicted the social, environmental and historical images. She also worked with the participants’ stories from the past resulting in each person to create their poem or piece of prose. This culminated with the art work having an Exhibition Launch and being displayed in Tullamore Library for the final two weeks of the Bealtaine in Offaly in May and afterwards transferring to Kilcormac Library.
- Older people in Offaly had a unique experience of learning a new skill with this felting project. But it was not as simple as that with the stories shared, the fun and friendships that were created as a result of the workshops, the launch and the exhibitions. Many of the participants are interested in continuing with felting as an activity; some have started to and are also eager to continue to share their skills with others in the future.