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Nursing Home and Preschool Project

Age Friendly Ireland

Age Friendly Tipperary

Programme: Tipperary

WHO Theme: Social Participation

Resources Required: Community Support, Paid Staff, Volunteer Staff

Cost: 1000 – 5000

Status: In Progress


Tipperary Age Friendly would like to promote story telling as a means of engagement and developing dialogue between a nursing home and a preschool within its environs. The intention is that Tipperary Age Friendly will supply the Nursing Home and local preschool with its own tonies box and also provide some interchangeable creative tonies The resident in the nursing home will read a story, with books provided by Tipperary Library Service, this is recorded on the interchangeable creative tonie. This creative tonie is then provided to the local preschool with the same books and the stories will be available for story time as told by the older adult and resident in the nursing home. For children attending the matched preschool this is giving them storytime as told by an older adult. This is a link to the technology which will be provided to participating nursing homes and participating preschools. If you are interested in participating in this scheme please complete the attached application form and we will arrange for delivery of the tonie box and creative tonies and also inform you of the preschool/nursing home that we are matching you with. We will then also arrange for suggested books to be delivered to the nursing home and to the matched preschool. Additional potential at local level: There is also potential for other stories to be shared with the local primary school, with information provided to the children of life experiences and stories of their time in school. In turn the primary school could record a thank you or message for the residents to be shared back via the interchangeable device. If you require any additional information in relation to this project which is being funded by Healthy Ireland #Keep Well campaign please do not hesitate to contact Fiona Crotty 087 1252938 or Anthea Conway on 0761 06 6216. This campaign is brought to you with thanks to Healthy Ireland an initiative of the Government of Ireland with funding from the Healthy Ireland Fund and the intecare fund delivered by Pobal

Aim of Initiative

those within a residential setting and matched with local preschool service provider and children

Who is it aimed at

those within a residential setting and matched with local preschool service provider and children

Steps critical to success

  1. Engagement and participation of residents
  2. Engagement and participation of children at preschool
  3. development of relationships between services

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. understanding scope of project
  2. understanding use of devices being provided
  3. getting services matched up across the county

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Positive engagement and relationships between nursing home residents and local preschool
  2. cherished memories and stories captured
  3. Fun, Engagement

Evaluation / Report:
In progress

