Programme: Laois
WHO Theme: Communication and Information
Cost: 1000 – 5000
Status: Ongoing
Live Well is a reimagining of the way organisations, providers and Laois Communities can work together to improve the delivery of supports and services that benefit older people and the Community they live in. The entire event was born with the aim of making Laois a great place to live and grow old in and ensure the older people in Laois have a Voice, enjoy Good Health and can Participate fully. The 4th of April 2024 saw Live Well return for its second year to Portlaoise College a large secondary school centrally located in the County town of Portlaoise. This event is a joint initiative with the Age Friendly Laois co-ordinator Tom Curran & the Healthy Laois co-ordinator Emma OConnor and was initiated as a direct response to the difficulty in accessing information which was frequently voiced by individuals and groups at separate consultations undertaken in 2022 and 2023 to inform both the Age Friendly Laois Strategy 2023-2027 and the Healthy Laois Strategy 2023-2025 . This provision and accessing of this information is fundamental to enabling our older citizens in the community maximise their health and wellbeing whilst ensuring their participation in the lives of their Communities.
The main goal of the event then is to provide information and signposting to the wide range of supports and services available across Laois and in turn help Laois people improve their own health and wellbeing. The Live Well Expo is a unique response to a problem that is not unique to Laois!
2024 saw numbers double to approximately 2000 attendees and the event expanded significantly with a diverse range of 108 exhibitors, speakers, and other contributors.
Exhibitors were carefully selected to ensure a focus not only on the obvious healthcare providers such as the HSE and sporting groups but to look at the economic and social determinants of health and so exhibitors such as Social Prescribing, LSTEPP , Laois Partnership, LCC Housing, Community and Climate Action Departments who signposted to Home adaptation Grants, Local Authority grants, whilst the SEAI were in attendance alongside national bodies such as the Road Safety Authority, the Decision Support service and corporate bodies such as GOOGLE. In total 108 exhibitors attended which ensured a wide balanced and inclusive mix of service providers available to talk and signpost with attendees but also to mix with each other and utilise new contact to compliment and enhance the communities they work in.
The doors opened at 12.30 pm with a welcome provided by Laois’s Age Friendly Ambassador, Anna May McHugh, Managing Director of National Ploughing Championships who has been an avid supporter of this event that she sees “bringing communities together and promoting living life to the fullest”. Anna May gave an inspirational talk where she said, “Age is just a number and we all need to make the most of today”. She called on everyone to take a minute to chat to your neighbour and the person sitting beside you today and discussed the importance of being part of a community. The theme of Community was to the fore throughout the day and attendees were encouraged to chat over a cup of tea(free) and listen to a continuous line-up of talkers and demonstrations which emphasised the importance of prioritising health and wellbeing in our lives and how we need to make time now for our wellbeing to prevent future illness. Free Health checks were provided by the HSE and a tech area led by Google had one on one sessions for attendees to help with their mobile phones and tech devices. The core part of the event was a large Expo style area with 108 exhibitors with these elements located in its surrounds. Non stop free tea and refreshments, music, excercise classes, dancing, singing, free transportation and parking combined to make the day a fun way of accessing information relevant to each participant. ” Thank you. Today felt like a holiday” was the comment of the final attendee leaving at 6.30 on the free bus into town, laden with a bag of brochures and pens but most importantly the phone numbers and first names of the people who can help make her life healthier and hear her.
Live Well is not just a standalone event, it is a part of the Healthy Laois programme here in Laois and the exhibitors are working collectively to form an experience aimed at improving our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This compliments the work undertaken by Age Friendly Laois who also want to ensure the voices of our older Laois citiizens is heard valued and encouraged. The Live Well event is a unique stand alone event powered by Volunteers and Community groups and organisations, co-ordinated by Healthy Laois and Age Friendly and attended by over 2000 people.
Aim of Initiative
The main goal of the event is to provide information and signposting to the wide range of supports and services available across Laois. It is done in a medium that our older people can relate to and have asked for. This is to help Laois people improve their own health and wellbeing and so participate fully in their communities and have their voice heard. The Live Well Expo is a unique response to a problem that is not unique to Laois!
Who is it aimed at
This fully inclusive event is aimed at all of the people of Laois but is marketed at age 45+ to ensure attendance mainly by our age 55+ cohort and older members of their family. All cohorts of society are encouraged to attend regardless of nationality, creed, ethnicity or age. This unique method ensures an intergenerational element to the event whilst not precluding older people families from accompanying them and avoiding the perception of an “old age” event. By removing barriers and providing a cost free day to attendees, the inability to attend, based on barriers such as transport, food, resting areas, price, culture and sociatel norms is removed and the attendees were free to relax assimilate and enjoy the experience.
3 Steps critical to success
- Identify an Age-Friendly Venue,
The Live well venue has been specially selected for it’s wide, even pathways and corridors, it’s lack of potential hazards for older people, in addition to the large undercover area available to showcase the 108 exhibitors on the day with the largest capacity of any event in Laois. Both car and bicycle parking were available and pathways from the town centre are in good condition. A large area was ringfenced for seating, and free refreshments were provided to ensure seniors could rest and recouperate if they tired. All events took place on ground floor level to ensure full inclusion and bathrooms were located in proximity to the main event areas. Potential pedestrian pinpoints were identified and eliminated with clear signage provided and adequate assistance available on the day. Groups were encouraged to register in advance to ensure swift and smooth arrival. In short, the venue was researched thoroughly to ensure nothing could deter the older members of our communities from attending. - Identify and maintain appropriate and age-friendly distribution channels of information.
Older people like to receive information through traditional print and broadcast media, through the voice, by phone calls, or by chat. Live well provides a one stop shop to ensure that information on policies and issues affecting older people can be given in an effective and accessible manner, through the communication channels they are familiar with and can understand. The information is presented as a large Expo type event in one large exhibition hall and with continuous talks and demonstrations in a separate main stage area. Further areas of interest can be found in adjoining spaces such as the Alzheimer’s bus, Google & LOETB learning hub and Health Check Hub. Exhibitors and guest speakers provide their services free of charge and Live Well in turn offers exhibition spaces free of charge. Attendees do not pay an entrance fee and light refreshments are provided free of charge. Healthy Laois Funding is secured for the event. The Live Well Expo provides access to information at no cost to the attendee and in a method they can absorb at their own pace and in their own preferred mediums.
- Dispelling negative preconceptions about ageing and encouraging participation from all members of the older person’s family.
While respect for the older members of our communities is mostly healthy in Laois, negative preconceptions of ageing still exist. In 2023 for the inaugral year, the Live Well event targeted all ages including seniors. In 2024 we further refined our target demographic to the older age group, whilst recognising that the event was of merit to those over 45+ as primary information dispensers in families but also recognised the benefits to having other family members attend. Having a Live Well event in this manner, facilitates intergenerational interactions and helps dispel negative connotations of ageing. Education about ageing took place at Live well and also raised awareness at an early stage on ageing and associated issues for example Menopause. In turn people learn to appreciate their elderly and can futureproof their own families. Attendees reflected that they do not want to go to “an old person event” as they do not see themselves as an old person. Live Well therefore targets over 45s but much of the marketing is at the older cohort while not excluding those that are younger to ensure the message is communicated to families and communities in Laois.
3 Challenges in Planning / Delivery
- Accessibility
Accessible and affordable public transport is key to ensuring our County’s elderly population is able to engage actively with their community and so this year a free bus was provided which connected in with key Local Link Routes into Portlaoise including the trains. This was a highly successful element of the Live Well expo and enhanced access to the Event which was welcomed by attendees of all ages.
Local Link Representatives provided an information stall with up to date assistance and information on safe, age-friendly, and affordable transport services available to older people in Laois . The presence of Local Link at the Event and the use of a Local Link Bus as Event Transport, gave Local Link the opportunity to showcase the affordability of transport services, address the challenges of residents’ perceived safety of public transport services, and increase their willingness to use them having seen at first hand how easy the buses were to use, and so reduce the risk of social isolation and loneliness. When transport is available and adapted to the needs of seniors, both in terms of scheduling and destinations, it enhances mobility and facilitates social participation and a sense of belonging in one’s community.Age-friendly driving conditions and parking facilities
Driving can be an essential transportation option for older people, particularly from more remote residential areas. Three large car park areas were provided and these were supervised by a revolving team of Volunteers from Laois Volunteers from early morning until the last attendee departed by Bus. In addition, a supervised drop off facility was also provided for older residents and those of differing abilities to ensure a safe driving experience close to the main entrance. - Providing accessible and affordable community and health services which are crucial in keeping seniors healthy, independent, and active.
A. Core health services are the same for all age groups but Live Well recognise that seniors have different health care needs and preferences. Healthy Ireland focuses on preventative care and so the Live Well Event was supported by several HSE units including Health Promotion and Improvement, Integrated Care, Community Officer, Social workers, and campaigns such as Quit Smoking. By working together, Healthy Laois and Age Friendly Laois were able to provide 108 different groups, organisations and service providers on the day and the mix was further complimented by organisations such as the Coeliac Society, The Good Gut Clinic, Laois Therapy, Mental Health Ireland and many more.
Live Well ensures that information about these services is easily accessible at a location convenient for seniors to reach and is a one stop venue for the older person to help themselves stay connected to their community. Education on the health system and available health services was provided to raise awareness among seniors of the areas of care available to them. Health services should also be affordable or support available to cover the costs, to provide seniors with peace of mind that they will be able to receive care regardless of the ability to pay. The HSE provided free Health checks throughout the day and there was never a time when a large queue was not waiting outside the doors of this area!
B. Older people have a broad range of interests and needs and Live Well showcased the variety of social activities available in Laois to cater to diverse interests whilst being accessible for people with disabilities and those who live further away. Laois Sports Partnership for example, outlined the range of activities taking place at times suitable for older people and at convenient and accessible locations to encourage greater participation as well. Activities are affordable for older people to facilitate their participation and some which are funded by the healthy Ireland Programme are free.
We tried to be innovative in our analysis of what can help an older person exercise and invited Laois SPCA who brought some of their four legged friends and spoke of the companion benefits and health benefits of pet ownership. Additional sporting activities and interests were provided by Laois Leisure who showcased the swimming pools, with the local Golf Club, a vintage cycling club, Parkrun, and Community Sports Hubs on hand to compliment service providers such as Arthritis Ireland Laois and Edufit.
Healthy Laois and Laois Sports Department run a series of free exercise classes in the Parks of Laois which not only help our older population access affordable fun exercise but make use and highlight the green and grey(Urban) spaces we are blessed with in Laois. The active Parks Programme was in evidence at Live Well with a hugely popular class held in the main stage area thoroughly enjoyed by all. This provided a platform to promote this programme and also showcase the integration of Fitsticks into these classes for those unsteady on their feet.
C. Live well recognises that Seniors’ participation in social activities helps to prevent social isolation. Seniors want to socialize and integrate with other age groups and cultures in their communities. Creative Laois, Laois Libraries, the LOETB, Dunamaise Arts Centre and Theatre, LCC arts Department showcased countywide programmes available whilst groups such as Laois ICA and Women’s Sheds promoted the benefits of Intergenerational activities which mutually enriching and fulfilling for all ages, with older people passing on knowledge, traditions, and experience while the young may help seniors with new technology and practices. Organisations such as the IWA, Laois Integration Network and Failte Isteach ensured social cohesion and inclusion was in evidence.
D. - Staffing the event with volunteers in a safe and professional manner.
The Live Well event team is actually comprised of two members and to ensure the smooth running and co-ordination of the event on the day, we realised a solid team of helpers on the day was required.
Laois Volunteers were invaluable in providing this support and it was the intergenerational mix of volunteers that provided the key.
Having Laois Volunteers, the Civil Defence and Community First Responders at the event displayed the value of volunteerism in our community whilst ensuring it was a safe place to attend too!
Groups such as Portlaoise Tidy Towns provide a platform for older people to volunteer and help maintain a clean, tidy town so Laois can continue to be a great places for older residents to live out their golden years.
Live Well in this way overcame a significant challenge to promote itself as an inclusive social event that encourages older people to participate more in their community’s social, civic, and economic life and celebrates positive and active ageing.
3 Outcomes / Benefits
- Social engagement can contribute to seniors’ esteem. Live Well encourage Age-friendly initiatives to involve all seniors in activities where they have experience can keep them engaged with the community and help them feel valued in their community. Older people should always be consulted on decisions concerning them and feedback has been sought and evaluated from this year’s event which will form the continuum of the Live well 2025 event. Live Well recognises that older people are an asset to the community, aims to ensure they continue contributing to their communities after retirement and are engaged in the political process.
Live well provides an opportunity to empower the older people in our community and invite their participation in the political process through the Age Friendly programme here in Laois. Live Well talks and demonstrations actively encouraged participation in interest groups, provided a forum to voice concerns and views to government officials and be involved in decision-making on issues that impact the community older people live in.
Staying connected with events, news and activities with timely, accessible, and practical information is a key part of active ageing and empowering and facilitating older people to participate. Technology can be used to spread information quickly, but also can be a major role player in social exclusion. Providing access to information to seniors in an accessible format whilst being cognisant of the wide range of needs and resources older people have in Laois is at the heart of Live Well and was a key outcome. - 2.Volunteerism and employment opportunities to ensure
Older people can gain fulfilment from active involvement in voluntary activities or work, as it provides satisfaction and keeps them socially engaged. Continued training for seniors also helps them remain relevant and connected. In 2024 Google attended the Live Well Expo and provided one on one training to upskill attendees in their use of mobile phones laptops and tablets. This is an important way to sustain self-sufficiency and creates opportunities to support seniors’ participation in the workforce. LOETB worked with Google on the day to hep these one on one engagements and then promote free opportunities to address digital and literacy issues. The Live Well event provided a key platform to help address adult literacy issues in the Community in a gentle supporting manner whilst ensuring the workplace can be made more welcoming for seniors to put their experience and expertise to good use. Exhibitors such as Vison Ireland truly helped people experience some of the issues facing an older person and it is important that younger audiences see these challenges. Older people can be deterred from picking up computer skills due to the cost of computers and their unfamiliarity with technology. Affordable access to computers for seniors in community facilities can play an important role in building technological literacy in seniors, together with computer training adapted to seniors’ needs and pace of learning. Groups such as the Laois PPN helped address this at Live well whilst Laois Libraries helped signpost to computers and internet that can be accessed freely in local hubs and libraries.
It is so important that the knowledge and skills of our older generation is valued, utilised and recognised. In this way our older people - 3. Addressing the Socio Economic Effects of Health.
Healthy Ireland recognises the social economic effects of health and by joining with Age Friendly ensured a 360 degree provision of information was on hand at the Event. complemented by Social Prescribing, LSTEPP , Laois Partnership LCC Housing, Community and Climate Action Departments who signposted to Home adaptation Grants, Local Authority grants, SEAI Grants, , Help was on hand to reduce energy usage in the home and budgetary services from MABS and financial providers such as the Credit Union were to hand with advisors such as the Citizens Information Service and Supported Decision in great demand