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Lifting the Lid on Elder Abuse

Age Friendly Ireland

Muintir Na Tire Logo

WHO Theme: Communication and Information, Community Support and Health Services

Funding Stream: Community Resilience Fund Covid

Resources Required: Community Support, Volunteer Staff

Cost: 0 – 500

Status: Completed


HSE is hosting a series of webinars across the country to raise awareness about Elder Abuse in all its forms.

Aim of Initiative

Community Leaders

Who is it aimed at

Community Leaders

Steps critical to success

  1. Advertising webinar and getting the word out
  2. Engagement from Community Leaders
  3. The different elements of elder abuse

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Due to current restrictions had to be delivered on zoom
  2. Not everyone is proficient/comfortable with technology
  3. Due to volume of interest getting everyone registered and interactive on webinar

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. A guest speaker from HSE, An Garda Siochana & Ulster Bank spoke about scams and different aspects of elder abuse
  2. Raising awareness and everything needed to foster community connection
  3. Supports available and consider what your community can do to keep safe and well

Evaluation / Report:
125 people registered for this webinar on 25th March 2021. There was huge engagement and interaction between participants and guest speakers on the evening. The focus was on raising awareness and understanding the risks especially with Covid of the different aspects of elder abuse.

