Programme: Cavan
WHO Theme: Communication and Information
Cost: 0 – 500
Status: Completed
I started work on my Facebook page Cavan Old Irish Photos during the pandemic in 2020, within 10 weeks I had 10,000 members the majority are pensioners. Currently I have 32,000 members sharing their history of Cavan through photography and Storytelling. This work is voluntary I do not ask for payment and work in my spare time on the site. I love to see the 100s of comments from members every day sharing their happy stories and thanking me for creating a SAFE place to share their memories.
Aim of Initiative
To bring history of Cavan to everyone around the world through stories and photography
Who is it aimed at
Everyone young and old, I have alot of elderly members who felt my page gave them great meaning during covid as it was the first thing they opened in the morning and last thing at night to bring happiness during the tougher times
3 Steps critical to success
- Working on private photography sent into my page to enhance, I pay this fee out of my own pocket to enhance the photos
- Everyone sharing the news about my page through communication on the Internet, Facebook email and word of mouth
- Conduct interviews with Cavan TV to spread the word about my photograph page, to communicate how to join for free and share their stories
3 Challenges in Planning / Delivery
- Starting off with zero members and no help from anyone was challenging
- I spent over 100hours in my first month putting in the work on enhancing photographs and sharing the word on my new history page
- Communication is key, everyone needs to share their local enterprise and this is something Ireland is lacking at present.
3 Outcomes / Benefits
- 1000s of Members have shown their gratitude to me gor bringing their memories to life and bring back the old into the new with Technology
- I can turn glass llate negatives into black and white photographs and then into Colour with the technology and experience I have learnt over the past 4 years
- 32,000 happy members my page communicates news instantly onto every members page every day and has become the largest Cavan forum for History, photographs and memories