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Keep Well Radio Campaign

Age Friendly Ireland

Age Friendly Cavan

WHO Theme: Communication And Information

Health & Wellbeing Theme: Nutrition Eating Well, Physical Activity, Staying Connected, Switching Off And Being Creative

Funding Stream: Community Resilience Fund Covid

Resources Required: Community Support, Financial, Volunteer Staff

Cost: 0-500


Radio campaign in conjunction with Healthy Monaghan, Mental Health Ireland, Positive Age, Healthy Ireland at your Library, Cavan sports partnership with 2 speakers each week under each of the themes and also signposting adverts for local services and supports. 3 x four week slots of interviews and inspiration to improve both physical and mental health of listeners and encourage engagement with 2 prize draws each week. Cavan Library headquarters and Monaghan Library head quarter shared their services being offered and speakers on mindfulness, positive mental health and the importance of physical activity as well as a balanced healthy diet to help with over all wellbeing

Aim of Initiative

All age groups – listeners of Iradio

Who is it aimed at

All age groups – listeners of Iradio

Steps critical to success

  1. Understanding the brief of the campaign and explaining to partnering agencies
  2. Including interesting topics for discussion with passionate speakers
  3. Engaging the audience with competions and prizes

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Organising the pre recordings of speakers
  2. Making the conversation interesting and engaging

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Raising awareness of local supports and services available in County Cavan
  2. Promoting physical activity at every age and them benefits on physical wellbeing
  3. Promoting local library services and especially new services available during the pandemic e.g. Book delivery service

