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Keep Well Campaign and Purls of Wisdom project

Age Friendly Ireland

AF Meath Full Col 150 dpi

Programme: Meath

WHO Theme: Communication and Information, Social Participation

Funding Stream: Climate Action

Resources Required: Community Support, Financial, Paid Staff, Volunteer Staff

Cost: 0 – 500

Status: Ongoing


5 week campaign on LMFM. Each week had different speakers- Age Friendly Programme Manager & OPC chair, Doctor on Covid vaccinations, Teacher on mental health of children, Sports Partnership on exercise, Staying connected through technology. Also did a 48k leaflet drop with Age Friendly & Healthy Meath tips and phone numbers. Also had adverts in chronicle on AF and HI. Purls of Wisdom is a knitting project using colours of the changing climate over the decades to knit blankets etc. Group of older ladies knitted various blankets using same colours but different designs to all. Blankets on display and when Covid restrictions lift hope to display in other areas and donate to Dementia clients in Nursing homes. Hope to recommence project when restrictions lift again.

Aim of Initiative

First initiative aimed at all age groups for their mental health and wellbeing. Second initiative for all knitters but the take up was from older ladies initially.

Who is it aimed at

First initiative aimed at all age groups for their mental health and wellbeing. Second initiative for all knitters but the take up was from older ladies initially.

Steps critical to success

  1. What are you trying to achieve?
  2. Can other groups get involved if asked
  3. Show and display results to get others on board

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Getting volunteers to particpate
  2. Covid restrictions
  3. Getting the message across to correct persons

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. More persons wanting to get involed- knitting
  2. more age groups involved in keepwell campaign
  3. more interest in Age Friendly & healthy Meath initiatives


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