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Keep Well Booklet

Age Friendly Ireland

Age Friendly Galway

Programme: Galway County

WHO Theme: Community Support and Health Services

Funding Stream: Community Resilience Fund Covid

Resources Required: Financial, Paid Staff

Cost: 1000 – 5000

Status: Completed


HSE Community Services in Galway joined with Galway County Council to support older people to mind their physical and mental health and wellbeing by producing a 20-page booklet and accompanying videos. The booklet had a range of information under the Keep Well Themes of Staying Active, Staying Connected, Switching Off, Eating Well, Minding Your Mood. The booklet also provided useful contact details for local and national services.

Aim of Initiative

Who is it aimed at

Older people

Steps critical to success

  1. Collaboration with HSE Community Services
  2. Producing a hard copy booklet
  3. Promoting the booklet through all mediums to ensure the max reach

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Having up to date and accurate information

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Hard copy, easy to read booklet, avoided any issues for people accessing online
  2. Key information for older people on minding their physical and mental wellbeing

Evaluation / Report:

