WHO Theme: Community Support And Health Services
Health & Wellbeing Theme: Nutrition Eating Well, Physical Activity, Positive Mental And Emotional Health, Staying Connected, Switching Off And Being Creative, Your Body Your Health
Funding Stream: Community Resilience Fund Covid, HSE Funding also assigned for accompanying videos
Resources Required: Paid Staff
Cost: 1000-5000
This collaboration took place with GICOP arising from HSE professionals seeing a rise in older people presenting with injuries from trips and falls due to a loss of muscle mass over the lockdown period. We decided to create a Keep Well booklet targeted specifically at older people and accompanying videos giving professional advice from HSE professionals and interviews with clients. We circulated over 6,000 copies of the booklets throughout the County through the Community Call networks and HSE Community Healthcare Networks so that it reached the target audience. This was followed up with radio interviews and press releases which reached additional older adults and their carers.
Aim of Initiative
Older People who were cocooning and were still not venturing out to get exercise due to fear and anxiety. It provided signposting to advice and information, but also a range of further supports such as the Community Call Helpline, Meals on Wheels, ALONE, etc.
Who is it aimed at
Older People who were cocooning and were still not venturing out to get exercise due to fear and anxiety. It provided signposting to advice and information, but also a range of further supports such as the Community Call Helpline, Meals on Wheels, ALONE, etc.
Steps critical to success
- Collaboration with HSE
- Targeted Distribution
- Promotion
Challenges in Planning / Delivery
- Time Input required
Outcomes / Benefits
- Increase in calls to Helpline just for chat
- Practical support provided for older people
- Framework for collaboration with HSE
https://www.galwaycountyppn.ie/keep-well-advice-booklet-with-info-for-older-adults-launched/ | https://youtu.be/r4ryNKEnolU | https://youtu.be/wYqNzHqsKNs | https://youtu.be/OcWBlNHkhEs | https://youtu.be/cA3_VKnDUNI | https://youtu.be/-V04TYP6lPc | https://youtu.be/X0TxchXlub4