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Intergenerational Line Dancing Programme

Age Friendly Ireland

Age Friendly Dublin City

Programme: Dublin City

WHO Theme: Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation

Cost: 500 – 1000

Status: Completed


This Initiative started in January 2024, we ran two 6 week programmes.
The idea for this programme came to fruitition leading on from a taster session Dublin City Council held for Postive Ageing/Social Inclusion week.
OPC members took part in the initiative and expressed enthusiasm to participate in a more structured programme.
We discussed the topic at the OPC meeting, gathering ideas from members, including objectives from our Community Development Plan, following on we developed a programme.
We wanted the programme to be inclusive, we wanted to make real connections and make a difference.
We implemented a 2 term intergenerational line dancing programme. This included transition year students from the local secondary school, OPC members, older members from the community.
They committed to learning new dance routines over the two 6 week terms, and ended with a public performance to showcase their achievements. They performed their final show as part of the Ballymun Running Festival in the local secondary school. Each participant received a certificate and a gift for taking part.
This programme was very successful, we had over 20 participants taking part. following on from this we will deliver another programme with the new transition year students next year.

Aim of Initiative

The aim of this initiative was to promote social cohesion/Inclusion
Prioritising to build and develop a positive relationship between younger people and older adults. Breaking barriers/perceptions of each peer group.
Learning new skills i.e. dance sequences/increased co-ordination/balance
Increase physical mobility/flexibility
Create determination and commitment from the participants. A sense of achievement.
Fun and enjoyment, social aspect

Who is it aimed at

Younger/Older People

3 Steps critical to success

  1. Research – see what is available in the Ballymun community currently
    Consultation/developing a plan
    Collaboration – adults/schools/ teenagers
  2. Implementation of Plan
    – source local dance studio
    – source local dance teacher
    – collaborate with school teachers/students/dance teachers
    – communicate effectively, ensure everyone knows what the plan is and what the outcome aim is and to have fun.
    – support and manage the programme to ensure smooth running of the programme
    – Build relationships within the programme amongst participants.
    – Build confidence and learn new skills
    – motivate participants to complete the programme.
  3. – Students and Older participants feel a sense of achievement, finishing the programme
    – Instilling confidence in the participants
    – Public performance in front of the community, showcasing talents and skills
    – Raising awareness of community initiatives
    – Breaking barriers of age perceptions
    – build relationships/respect’

3 Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Resistance/worry from students
  2. Self confidence
    Staying Committed
  3. Expectation to learn a new dance routine, pressure to do well

3 Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Instilling confidence and a sense of achievemnet in participants
  2. Perceptions of older/younger people changed after the programme. making friends with amongst the group.
  3. Putting on public performance. Showing talents of all participants

