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Information fridge magnets

Age Friendly Ireland

Age Friendly Westmeath

WHO Theme: Community Support And Health Services

Health & Wellbeing Theme: Staying Connected

Funding Stream: Community Resilience Fund CovidHealthy Ireland Fund

Resources Required: Community Support, Financial, Paid Staff, Volunteer Staff, Magnets have been distributed in post offices, GPs surgeries and chemists where elderly people or their carers would go.

Cost: 1000-5000


7000 fridge magnets were designed and printed which included the community response helpline phone number on the magnet. It came with a small information leaflet which also gave the helpline number and the main towns’ garda station phones numbers, HSE Covid helpline and Westmeath PPN contact details.

Aim of Initiative

Main aim was to distribute the fridge magnets to as many older people in Westmeath as possible but also to include vulnerable families and adults in our communities.

Who is it aimed at

Main aim was to distribute the fridge magnets to as many older people in Westmeath as possible but also to include vulnerable families and adults in our communities.

Steps critical to success

  1. Clear and practical design of item with large enough lettering to be easily read.
  2. Design of an item that could be ‘stuck’ on a fridge for example and easily accessible
  3. Good distribution channels in order for the item to go to the targeted group.

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Delivery times. Long delay in getting the magnets as some were to go into the Christmas care pack.
  2. To speed up delivery we agreed with the supplier that the magnet and the accompanying leaflet did not need to be put together in a small bag. This then had to be done by ourselves.

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Covid Community Response helpline number delivered to a large number of homes throughout the county
  2. Raised awareness of the Community response helpline
  3. Important Westmeath & HSE phone numbers located on one item.

Evaluation / Report:

