Programme: Dublin City
WHO Theme: Community Support and Health Services
Cost: 1000 – 5000
Status: Completed
Lourdes Day Care Centre was founded in September 1979 and caters to the needs of the elderly living. A number of their regular users are confined to a wheelchair and the centre manager Bernie Pierce wanted to introduce some new inclusive sports that all could participate in.
At the same time, Dublin City Council was at the design stages of redeveloping a small pocket park across the road from the day care centre on James Joyce Street. Bernie made a number of submissions and really pushed the Council to include a small boules area in the park with seating alongside it.
The Park was opened in March 2023 and immediately Bernie began making use of it, bringing groups over for an afternoon of games. It has a number of benefits in that its only a short walk from the day care centre which allows her users to get some fresh air, as it might be their only walk of the day. It also allows the wheelchair users to be independent as they can push themselves the short distance. Finally there’s sufficient seating for all to enjoy the warm afternoons.
As a sport, Bernie thinks its ideal for her elderly users as its extremely accessible to those with disabilities and older people because it requires little physical effort or maximum concentration.
One of the interesting outcomes that Bernie has reported is that there is a role for everyone in the game, with a range of tasks or activities arising from each game, for example setting up the court and equipment, keeping score and being a coach to others.
Aim of Initiative
By introducing an inclusive sport such as Boules, older people or those with intellectual or physical disabilities have the opportunity to experience greater autonomy and access to new cultural activities that encourage social integration.
Who is it aimed at
older people or those with intellectual or physical disabilities confined to a wheelchair
3 Steps critical to success
- Bernie identified the need for an outdoor activity that was fully accessible
- She liased with Dublin City Council, through the local area office and participated in the consultation process in place for a new parklet being developed
- With her suggestion included in the design brief, Bernie worked with the Sprts Development Officer to ensure the Boules part of the parklet was properly designed
3 Challenges in Planning / Delivery
- Ensuring the space requirements for a boules court was available in the parklet, this was resolved with the help of Dublin City Councils Landscape Architect
- Explaining the rules and procedures to the users
- Sourcing equipment, again resolved through help of the local Age Friendly Ireland coordinator
3 Outcomes / Benefits
- Increased participation of those confirned to wheelchairs into group activities
- Increased socialisation among all her day care residents
- Increased physical and mental wellbeing due to being outdoors doing gentle exercises and interacting with other local residents that they would not normally meet throughout the day