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Health & Wellbeing

Age Friendly Ireland

AF Meath Full Col 150 dpi

Programme: Meath

WHO Theme: Communication and Information

Funding Stream: Local AF Programme Funding, other agencies

Resources Required: Community Support, Financial, Paid Staff, Premises, Services, Volunteer Staff

Cost: 0 – 500

Status: Completed


Distribution of wellbeing packs to include Age Friendly items, food, puzzles etc which was co-ordinated by Meath AF programme manager and distributed to most vulnerable and isolated in county by Flexibus, Community guards, 3rd Age Centre. This initiative arose out of the Community Response Forum meeting where a number of agencies expressed concern over some vulnerable persons/families not being reached or falling between gaps and how to reach out to them as some not on social media, isolated, poor broadband etc. Through the Age Friendly Programme Manager, I co-ordinated with the Community guards, Flexibus, 3rd Age, GAA and others a list of the most vulnerable and isolated. Wellbeing Packs were put together which contained Age Friendly items, donations from LIR chocolates, Handmade Soap company, Food items, puzzles, colouring books, seeds, calendars, Local newspaper etc. These were distributed with assistance from Flexibus, Community Guards and 3rd Age foundation to over 1200 households.

Aim of Initiative

Most vulnerable and isolated.

Who is it aimed at

Most vulnerable and isolated.

Steps critical to success

  1. identifying the persons
  2. assistance from agencies
  3. upon delivery of packs, to have chat aswell with person

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. idenfitying persons
  2. Reasons persons falling between gaps in first place
  3. Some persons did not want/ask for help as did not know who to ask

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Reached persons not already on most vulnerable list
  2. Linked persons in with close neighbours/groups who would keep in contact
  3. Updated person with contacts, where to get help

