WHO Theme: Community Support And Health Services, Respect And Social Inclusion
Health & Wellbeing Theme: Positive Mental And Emotional Health, Staying Connected
Funding Stream: Local Initiative
Resources Required: Volunteer Staff, Ongoing support of staff
Cost: 0-500
Residents who have to isolate are often clinically and medically treated, but can be emotionally and psychologically isolated. This initiative ensured that residents remained active whilst in isolation by providing residents with ideas, supports and facilitating the undertaking of various activities, recreation and occupations. As residents were facilitated to walk in the garden, this initiative also supported residents to use a protected green house area to undertake gardening . Originally the space had been developed for outside visiting, but ended up being used far less than anticipated. This space left an opportunity to use it for completely different purpose. Residents were involved in the design particularly those who were wheelchair users.
Aim of Initiative
Who is it aimed at
Residents in extended care within St. Mary’s and Boyne View House Drogheda.
Steps critical to success
- Ideas from residents
- Support from staff
- Encouragement
Challenges in Planning / Delivery
- Fire Safety
- Some funding issues
- Sustaining the programme
Outcomes / Benefits
- Greater psychological and emotional supports for residents
- Psychological support for those residents with dementia
- Excitement instilled among majority of staff and relatives
Evaluation / Report:
Has been very successful. In relation to isolation room activities, the activities co-ordinators have been key to success of the programme. Having a volunteer gardner has been really helpful. Howe ever a number of staff have donated a number of gardening plants, seeds and bulbs from their own areas which has greatly reduced costs and have given staff a sense of ownership of the project.