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GAA Social Initiative project where we provide activities for senior members of our community

Age Friendly Ireland


Programme: Westmeath

WHO Theme: Community Support and Health Services, Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation

Cost: 10000+

Status: Ongoing


BACKGROUND: In 2010 The GAA Social Initiative arose as a result of President Mary McAleese and her husband Martin noticing an absence of older men in attendance at Official Functions during their many visits to local communities over the years. They established a Forum consisting of Health and Social Care Professionals, leading Academics, Service Providers and local and national Representatives to explore reasons why some of these men are no longer participating in local community life. This Forum identified a number of factors and reasons why and offered some ideas and suggestions which might facilitate their re-engagement in the Community. Subsequently she invited the GAA to implement some of these ideas and suggestions. This led to the “GAA Social Initiative”. There were approximately 50 Clubs selected “to lead the way in organising social activities and events in their areas”. Rosemount GAA Club were one of them. We have been inspired by Sean Kilbride, Project Manager of the Initiative and former Mayo and Roscommon Footballer and Eamon O’Shea, Personal Professor in the School of Business & Economics in NUI Galway who id a lot of research in this area2.0.3..3.0.0.

The MISSION of the GAA SOCIAL INITIATIVE is “to facilitate, through the network of GAA clubs, the participation of older members of society, through social activities and events specifically designed to enrich their lives and respect the important contribution they have made and can continue to make to community life.”

Aim of Initiative

The MISSION of the GAA SOCIAL INITIATIVE is “to facilitate, through the network of GAA clubs, the participation of older members of society, through social activities and events specifically designed to enrich their lives and respect the important contribution they have made and can continue to make to community life.”

Who is it aimed at

Senior citizens many of whom are living alone and isolated living in rural areas who need encouragement to participate in activities outside their home . In particular older members of our rural community living alone with little or no access to shops or transport which can prohibit participation in normal activities

3 Steps critical to success

  1. Developing a range of activities which encourage our senior citizens involvement leading to better mental health and wellbeing through their participation
  2. Provision of transport to events such as exercise classes, Computer courses, Talks on healthy eating, and various other events suitable to their needs
  3. Funding to assist with cost with the provision of events including transport including assistance with cost of overnight stays which we provide as often as possible

3 Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. The range of activities is very much dependent of availability of funds and this is a big challenge for our group
  2. The get involvement of our members needs to provide proper events and while we endeavor to meet all the needs this area requires support and funds for same
  3. We are in a competition with many other groups to provide the necessary funds which is always a major challenge

3 Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Greater participation by the senior members of our community reduces isolation and by meeting other members of similar disposition
  2. The more activities we can provide and get members participation leads to better mental health and impacts on all service providers but mainly the participants benefit and are much happier with their contact with others
  3. Availability of funds allows our committee extend the range of activities available


