Programme: Wexford
WHO Theme: Community Support and Health Services
Funding Stream: no funding required
Resources Required: Community Support, Paid Staff, Volunteer Staff
Cost: 0 – 500
Status: Completed
Through local animal charity North Wexford Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – a dog walking service was offered to older and vulnerable people during the covid pandemic. This was publicised by Wexford PPN.
Aim of Initiative
Who is it aimed at
Older people and vulnerable people at high risk from covid-19
Steps critical to success
- Community Group – NWSPCA
- Volunteers
- PPN co-ordination role
Challenges in Planning / Delivery
- Time resource – phones calls, booking etc take a lot of time
- N/A
Outcomes / Benefits
- Delivering a service to isolated older people in own homes
- Happy owners
- Volunteers sense of achievement