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dlr Age Friendly Magazine Winter 2020/2021

Age Friendly Ireland

Age Friendly Dún Laoghaire Rathdown

WHO Theme: Communication And Information

Health & Wellbeing Theme: Staying Connected

Funding Stream: Healthy Ireland FundLocal AF Programme Funding, Creativity

Resources Required: Community Support, Financial, Paid Staff, Volunteer Staff

Cost: 0-500


The dlr Age Friendly Programme have produced the first edition of an Age Friendly Magazine which aims to inform, support, engage and entertain this winter as we live under Covid 19 restrictions. This new resource is targeted at our older population who have been left particularly vulnerable and isolated during these difficult times. A large number of support groups and Active Retirement Associations around the county have contributed to this magazine. There is a variety, including short stories, poetry, puzzles, recipes, quizzes, art activities and information on all the different activities taking place for older people within our county. The magazine also contains a range of information on the services, supports and events provided by DLR County Council including Libraries, Arts, Community, Sports Partnership, Heritage, Parks, Environment, Leisure, and Local Enterprise Office which aim to support our mental health and wellbeing during these difficult times and national organisations for example HSE, Alone, Age and Opportunity, Making Connections, Living well with Dementia, An Garda Síochána and many more. 11,000 copies of the Magazine will be distributed around the county to nursing homes, day care centres, churches, libraries, community and family centres, active retirement associations, Living well with Dementia Programme, Makings Connections, Chemists and individual older people in the community. dlr Volunteer Centre will support the project by delivering the magazines to the nursing homes and An Garda Síochána community policing will be delivering to the chemist and to individual vulnerable people within the county. The Magazine will be advertised on all dlr social media platforms, community platforms and will be available to download from the dlr Age Friendly web page. It will also be advertised through Dublin South FM 93.9 community radio. dlr Age Friendly Programme Age-friendly programme works to provide walkable streets, housing and transportation options, access to key services and opportunities for older people to participate in community activities. By doing so, these communities are better equipped to become great places, and where appropriate lifelong homes, for people of all ages. The overarching vision of the Council’s strategy is that dlr will be renowned as a great place to live in and grow old in, where people enjoy a good quality of life, in an age-friendly accessible environment, and people have the opportunity to play an active role and contribute to the economic, social and cultural life of their community right throughout their lives.

Aim of Initiative

Older People

Who is it aimed at

Older People

Steps critical to success

  1. Full Colour and glossy magazine
  2. Collaboration with statutory, local and national
  3. Contributions from older people in the community

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Getting the information from groups
  2. Libraries and churches and groups were closed so more work on getting the magazine to shops, etc.

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Initial print was 7,000 but had to reprint another 4,000
  2. Feedback from older people was so positive
  3. 100’s of requests from older people to do a summer edition

Evaluation / Report:
The DLR Age Friendly Magazine was a very welcome resource to older people in the community. We have had 100's of request for a summer edition but to lacking of funding we can only do a winter edition and there is a lot of work involved in putting the magazine together. For the winter edition 2021 / 2022 I have asked for more help from older people in the community and all dlr depts, statutory and local / national organisations in preparing their information and editing of their pieces.

