Programme: Laois
WHO Theme: Housing
Cost: 10000+
Status: Completed
The Turnkey Development to be delivered in accordance with Planning Permission 20/346 to erect of 15 no. houses specifically designed to suit to older person accommodation comprising of 8 no. two bed semi – detached single storey house, 5 no. two bed mid-terrace single storey houses, and 2 no. two bed end of terrace houses.-
Renovation and change of use of the existing three storey building to Market Square which is a listed building on the NIAH register (Reference No 12900206) from hotel to 3 no. apartments comprising of 1 no. three bed apartment and 2 no. two bed apartments, –
Provision of vehicular entrance & pedestrian entrance off Market Square with associated upgrade works along with pedestrian access from French Church Street, – Provision of 27 no. car parking spaces (12 no. spaces attributed to public provision),
Alteration to the existing site boundaries , and – All associated site development works located off Market Square & French Church St, Portarlington. The house design to be assessed against QHfSC guidelines.
Aim of Initiative
Houses specifically designed to suit to older person accommodation
Who is it aimed at
houses specifically designed to suit to older person accommodation
3 Steps critical to success
- Step one of this scheme was to gain Department of Housing Funding approval which was obtained in October 2021.
- Step two of this scheme was for LCC to project manage the scheme while construction works commenced and finished on site.
- Step three of this scheme was for LCC to carry out final inspections and sign off of these units and allocate the units to age specific tenants on out housing list.
3 Challenges in Planning / Delivery
- Getting the design correct to deliver age friendly units to meet LCC’s housing demand.
- During construction we had to deal with COVID, inflations cost & material delays.
- Getting the correct tenants into each unit to meet LCC’s housing demand.
3 Outcomes / Benefits
- All houses were constructed to plans to cater for tenants with age friendly requirements.
- All houses were allocated to appropriate tenants with age friendly requirements.
- All houses were occupied with tenants with age friendly requirements.