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Day Care Centre’s Virtual Christmas Concert

Age Friendly Ireland

Roscommon County Council Logo

WHO Theme: Social Participation

Health & Wellbeing Theme: Staying Connected

Funding Stream: Community Resilience Fund Covid

Resources Required: Financial, Paid Staff, Premises, Volunteer Staff

Cost: 0-500


Support offered to HSE Day Care Centre to facilitate a virtual Annual Christmas Concert. Annual Day Care Centre’s Christmas Concert Cancelled due to Covid-19. Therefore Staff from the Centre’s recorded individual performances with attendees; all performances have been compiled onto a CD, the distribution of same has allowed the Centre users to feel connected to their peers whom they did not get to spend as much time with due to the pandemic.

Aim of Initiative

Who is it aimed at

Day Care Centre Attendees.

Steps critical to success

  1. Forward Planning – E.G. Give yourself plenty of time to prep the project before launch/distribution date or Event Day e.g. Christmas
  2. Contact Details – Have the contact details for the right person/manager in each Centre
  3. N/A

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Timing
  2. Contacts
  3. N/A

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Residents of Day Care Centre’s Felt Connected at a time of ioslation
  2. CD Also distributed to Family members living away – these family members would not usually have the chance to attend the face to face concerts
  3. N/A

