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Creativity in Older Age 2021

Age Friendly Ireland

Age Friendly Kildare

Programme: Kildare

WHO Theme: Social Participation

Funding Stream: Healthy Ireland Fund

Resources Required: Paid Staff

Cost: 1000 – 5000

Status: In Progress


This project proposal centres on supporting positive ageing groups in communities in Kildare to explore, discuss and question artworks from the Kildare County Council Municipal Art Collection, through gentle, but structured conversation. These sessions will take place online* (in live format) with facilitator Vera Mc Evoy.

Aim of Initiative

This experience is aimed at people in isolation, in nursing homes and care settings, those feeling a sense of loneliness, family members, friends and neighbours

Who is it aimed at

This experience is aimed at people in isolation, in nursing homes and care settings, those feeling a sense of loneliness, family members, friends and neighbours

Steps critical to success

  1. Co-operation of Care Settings/public spaces to be willing to house and be responsible for the art collections for a specified period of time
  2. Capacity of Facilitator to engender an interest in the subject matter
  3. The willingness of older people to participate

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Transportation and delivery of art works to care settings and public buildings

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. The creativity process and curiosity of the older person being awakened
  2. The stimulation by both viewing and being involved in the project would be beneficial from a mental health perspective
  3. The element of inclusion and being consulted will raise their confidence and self belief and bring enjoyment to their days

Evaluation / Report:
Project in process, report/evaluation at the end

