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Communication During Covid

Age Friendly Ireland

HSE Logo

WHO Theme: Communication And Information

Health & Wellbeing Theme: Staying Connected

Funding Stream: Comfort for Covid Ipads,Niall Horan

Resources Required: Paid Staff, iPads

Cost: 0-500


Ipads recieved and resdietns used them independelnly or with staff support to see family and freinds.

Aim of Initiative


Who is it aimed at

Residnets and their families and friends

Steps critical to success

  1. Residents willing to try technology
  2. Families supportive of use of technology
  3. Staff supportive and engaged

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Supporting residents to use technology as new Initiative
  2. Wifi connection
  3. N/A

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Resident satisfaction with family contact
  2. Family satisfied with contact from residents
  3. Residnets fulfilled

Evaluation / Report:

