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Challenging Ageism Drama Project

Age Friendly Ireland


Programme: Louth

WHO Theme: Communication and Information, Community Support and Health Services, Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation

Cost: 10000+

Status: In Progress


Creative Ireland Challenging Ageism Drama Project
Age Friendly Louth proposed to collaborate with An Tain Arts Centre to explore the topic of ageism with a group of people (particularly older people) of all ages from across all of Co Louth.

The project provides a safe space to explore peoples’ experiences of ageism and their lived experience of ageing, and to challenge often negative ageist attitudes and perceptions.

The group are working with a drama facilitator a writer and a videographer to explore the topic of ageism and promote positive ageing. By the end of the project they will collaboratively produce a piece of creative drama , high lighting ageist messages and stereotypes and celebrating positive ageing .

The creative drama piece will be performed by the drama group and recorded by a videographer. The creative dramatization will require input from sound lighting and technical creative professionals.

Age Friendly Louth will use the recordings as part of a wider Age Friendly campaign to celebrate Positive Ageing Week , Link with UN day of the Older Person October 1 2024 and UN Decade of Healthy Ageing and the Age Friendly Ireland Ageism Campaign. It is anticipated the dramatic piece will be launched by the Age Friendly Louth Ambassador Gavin Duffy at our Age Friendly Expo in October 2024.
The drama piece will be used as part of a wider campaign to highlight issues of ageism and challenge ageism in Co Louth.

If the participants are in agreement they will be invited to perform the piece live in front of an audience of approx. 200 people at the Louth Age Friendly Expo in October 2024.

Aim of Initiative

The WHO (World Health Organisation) defines ageism as stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination directed towards people on the basis of their age.

The aim of the initiative is to challenge ageism in Co Louth , to challenge misconceptions and preconceptions around ageing particularly negative misconceptions and to reframe the conversation around ageing to promote positive ageing .

The participants in this project area wonderful example of positive ageing in Co Louth.

Who is it aimed at

The initiative is aimed at all adults over 18 years of age , however we particularly targeted and welcomed older adults and especially those who never had an opportunity to avail of drama lessons or join a drama group but who always had an interest in drama and performing.

The group comprises a core of 20 adults ranging in age from 20 to people in their 70’s.

They come from a wide range of ages , abilities , backgrounds and geographical areas.

Some are local to Co Louth other are from different backgrounds and different countries and counties.

3 Steps critical to success

  1. Background to project and defining goals and objectives .

    Louth Older People’s Council (OPC) Executive Committee is a group of 14 older people who meet every 6 weeks and discusses issues of interest , matters of concern and activities/events in relation to older people and age friendly in Co Louth.
    Some members represent groups/communities of older people and others are there as individuals.

    One of the projects the OPC was involved in during 2023 was the EU Shafe Report on Ageism.

    Louth County Council launched the EU_SHAFE Project Report on Ageism

    The challenges faced by older people were highlighted in the EU_SHAFE Project Report on Ageism, which was launched by Louth County Council at an event in the Ardee Civic Offices , Ardee, County Louth on July 19th.

    The report looked at ageing and ageism across services and concludes that there is still a lot of work to be done in this area.

    Policy Context

    Louth Local Economic & Community Plan (LECP) 2024-2029
    • Goal 5 : Louth will have engaged, empowered, dynamic, resourced and connected communities

    • Objective 5.4 Continue to support an Age Friendly society that embraces all ages

    • Action 5.4.2 Support the Age Friendly Programme to deliver a suite of ageism awareness initiatives.

    Culture & Creativity Strategy 2023-2027 (Louth)

    2. Enhancing Health and Well Being through Participation
    Under the Creative Communities Pillar we will:

    Encourage participation of older people in creative programmes by working with organisations who advocate for the older generation and support initiatives that improve their health and wellbeing. —
    Work in partnership with our Community S
    ection, Age Friendly Co-Ordinator, and Healthy Ireland Co-Ordinator to contribute creative and artistic solutions to programme and project development within Louth. —
    Louth Arts Development Plan 2022-2026
    Priority 04 Support our Ageing Population

    The Arts Service will have specific focus on working with groups and facilitators specifically supporting our ageing population to deliver arts programmes to enhance well being and quality of life.

    The Arts Service will deliver a range of projects to address mental health issues and feelings of isolation by working with community organisations at the heart of Louth, who have established relationships with those in need such as the HSE Age Friendly as well as groups through the PPN Network that are specific to ageing residents…..

    Age Friendly Louth : Ageism Awareness Project
    • To identify and break down negative stereotypes associated with older people in the media.
    • To change the narrative and perceptions around ageing and ageism in the media.
    • To celebrate positive ageing.


    Age Friendly Louth & Louth OPC proposed to collaborate on a project to work with, a drama facilitator and a group of people particularly older people to produce a short comedic piece of drama highlighting ageist messages and stereotypes and celebrating positive ageing in a funny and humorous manner.

  2. Identifying partners to develop and deliver the project.

    Age Friendly Louth Programme Manager Sinead McVerry was tasked with finding creative partners to develop and deliver the project. She was also responsible for drafting and submitting a proposal for funding under Creative Ireland 2024.

    Initially Age Friendly Louth needed to define the goals and objectives of the project and clarify who we needed to partner with in terms of delivering the project.

    An Tain Arts Centre is an independent arts space in Dundalk, Co. Louth and is a venue with two theatres, a gallery, artist studios, a production house.

    They have a proven track record working with a wide variety of community groups with all ages and all abilities and delivery projects on time and within budget.

    Age Friendly Louth Programme Manager Sinead McVerry approached Paul Hayes Manager of An Táin Arts Centre to see if they would be interested in partnering on this project.
    Sinead and Paul held a number of meetings to tease out the project ideas and to agree how it would be implemented. They discussed and agreed project design, delivery , costings, funding & venues locations .

    In the end it was decided that we would hold a number of tater workshops across 3 venues in Co Louth, people who attended the taster workshops would be invited to attend a follow on suite of 10 workshops in An Táin Theatre in Dundalk running from May 2024 to July 2024.

    During these workshops Paul and his team would provide a safe space for participants to explore the topic of ageism and positive ageing . In collaboration with Conor McGinnity the writer involved with the project they would collaborate at crafting a piece of creative drama with the intention of performing the piece and recording it for posterity.

    The creative drama piece will be recorded by a videographer and shown at the Louth Age Friendly Expo 2024.

    Age Friendly Louth will use the recordings as part of a wider Age Friendly campaign to celebrate Positive Ageing Week , Link with UN day of the Older Person October 1 2024 and UN Decade of Healthy Ageing and the Age Friendly Ireland Ageism Campaign.

    The drama piece will be used as part of a wider campaign to highlight issues of ageism and challenge ageism in Co Louth.

    If the participants are in agreement they will be invited to perform the piece live in front of an audience of approx. 200 at the Louth Age Friendly Expo in October 2024.

  3. Securing Funding & Resources to deliver project

    Age Friendly Louth Programme Manager prepared funding application and submitted application to Creative Ireland.

    In March 2024 Age Friendly Programme Manager received notification that the application for funding was successful and the Challenging Ageism Drama Project had secured funding of €11.000 towards the project.

    Age Friendly Louth provided funding of €4,000 which led to a total funding stream €15,000 for the entire project.

    Taster workshops commenced in the first week of May 2004 with workshops taking place in Drogheda, Ardee and Dundalk.

    In total over 50 people from across Co Louth attended the taster workshops including a number of patients and staff from The Village Nursing Home in Drogheda.

    A core group of 20 participants have continued with the project and at the time of writing this application the group are half way through the suite of follow on workshops.

    As this is a community led drama project it is being very much led by the participants with the over arching theme of challenging ageism and promoting positive ageing at the heart of the project.

    Paul Hayes Manager of An Táin Arts Centre and drama facilitator for the project stated
    “it is well documented that the arts have a positive impact on people from all walks of life, but it is particularly true for older people.
    The World Health Organization defines older people as anyone over 55, the group we are working with don’t consider themselves old and many of them are in their 60s and 70s.

    Despite the initial brief being about addressing the negative representation of older people in Irish media, the group very quickly identified that they wanted to focus on positive aging.

    Through drama exercises and discussion we have been getting to know one another and looking at diverse issues such as loss, dreams, love and society.
    The feedback and energy in the room has been excellent with one participant summing it up best ‘Thank you so much for the amazing opportunity you are giving us to experience something so different, so interesting. The laughter you create with us in the room is so uplifting and enjoyable sharing. What a great group of diverse people, so interesting and sociable, meeting new people”.

3 Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Identify Suitable Community Project Partners

    Identifying suitable community partners and getting them to agree to come on board with the project.

    It was imperative to identify a creative community group with the capacity to deliver workshops across Co Louth and within the local community.

    An Táin Arts Centre has a proved track record of delivery within timescales and budgets but most importantly a record of providing an engaging creative and interpretative experience for participants in projects. It was imperative to build on the existing creative community strengths and assets.

    In terms of sustainability there is also the opportunity for participants to be signposted to existing drama groups and local dramatic societies across the county.

  2. Securing funding for the project.

    As with all projects sufficient funding to deliver the project was imperative.
    The Louth OPC and Louth Age Friendly Programme Manager prepared a funding application and submitted it under the Creative Ireland Programme 2024-2025 under Local Authority Creative Health and Wellbeing in the Community Call.

    Age Friendly Louth were successful in securing €11,000 under the Creative Ireland 2024-2025 fund.

    Age Friendly Louth will provide an additional €4,000 funding for the project.
    In total funding of €15,000 has been secured for the project.

  3. Legacy & Sustainability

    It was agreed with drama facilitator during the project design stage that the suite of No 10 follow on workshops would be held in Dundalk on this occasion and that the timing of the workshops at 11.00am -1.00pm and the town centre location of the workshops would allow participants for other areas time to travel on public transport to and from the workshops.

    Whilst every effort was made to provide an inclusive town centre venue some of the participants at the introduction to drama taster workshops were unable or unwilling to travel to Dundalk for the follow on workshops.

    Some patients and staff from The Village Nursing home were unable to attend due to travel issues and staff requirements.

    The Age Friendly Programme Manager has been in contact with the nursing home Manager and they are currently exploring running a suite of workshops specifically for patients and staff in the nursing home.

    In addition it has been discussed and agreed with the OPC to apply for funding for a follow on drama project in 2025 and if we are successful in getting Creative Ireland funding in 2025 we will run the drama project in Drogheda to facilitate those living in Drogheda and south Co Louth.

3 Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Challenge ageism and break down the negative stereotypes associated with older people and growing old.

    One of the outcomes of the project was to challenge perceptions around older people and ageing. This included identifying and deconstructing negative stereotypes associated with older people in society.

    Older people are often portrayed as frail, ill , grumpy , complaining and a burden on society.

    The project has provided a mechanism to challenge this idea and to promote positive ageing.
    The participants in the project cover a wide range of ages and abilities and are a great example of people promoting positive ageing through their participation in the project and in their everyday activities and attitudes.

    The final piece of drama will be a tangible creative piece of work that will be recorded for posterity and if the participants want to they can perform the piece live at the Louth Age Friendly Expo as part of Positive Ageing Week.

  2. Having a positive impact of participants health and well being.

    Have a positive impact on participants health and well being this includes project participants and those creative professionals also involved with delivering the project.

    The recently published TILDA report , commissioned by Creative Ireland, highlights how creative activities affect the health and wellbeing of older adults, but also measures the impact of creative activities to support healthy ageing, and the impact of changes in participation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The findings show that older adults who participate in creative activities enjoy a higher quality of life and are less likely to be lonely, depressed and stressed compared to peers who do not.

    The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) at Trinity College Dublin..

    Paul Hayes Drama Facilitator for the project note that “it is well documented that the arts have a positive impact on people from all walks of life, but it is particularly true for older people.”

    As an evaluation piece DKIT Netwell centre will carry out an evaluation of the project to measure attitudes to ageism of participants , facilitator, technical staff and members of the public around ageism.

    Whilst we await the outcome of the evaluation process when the project is completed by October 2024 , anecdotally the feedback is extremely positive

    One participants described the experience so far as ‘Thank you so much for the amazing opportunity you are giving us to experience something so different, so interesting. The laughter you create with us in the room is so uplifting and enjoyable sharing. What a great group of diverse people, so interesting and sociable, meeting new people’

  3. Legacy & Sustainability

    This project aligns with local, regional and national Policies and Strategies.
    Louth Local Economic & Community Plan (LECP) 2024-2029

    • Goal Go: Louth will have engaged, empowered, dynamic, resourced and connected communities

    • Objective 5.4 Continue to support an Age Friendly society that embraces all ages

    • Action 5.4.2 Support the Age Friendly Programme to deliver a suite of ageism awareness initiatives.

    This is first initiative that Louth Age Friendly Programme has delivered as part of the suite of ageism awareness initiatives .

    It is anticipated that Louth Age Friendly will support and develop a full suite of ageism awareness initiatives in line with our LECP and our new Age Friendly strategy which is currently being prepared.

    The success of the project to date means that we intend to apply for Creative Ireland funding to run Phase 2 of the project in 2025 and base the project in Drogheda, Co Louth for 2025 and an element of the project will be based in The Village Nursing home (a long term residential care home whose patients and staff took part in the taster workshop in Drogheda )

    • Action 5.4.2 Support the Age Friendly Programme to deliver a suite of ageism awareness initiatives.

    In addition the Creative Drama Project will Link with local, regional, national and international policy and strategic frameworks: Louth LECP, Louth Age Friendly Strategy, Culture & Creativity Strategy 2023-2027 (Louth) , Louth Arts Development Plan 2022-2026, Positive Ageing Week, UN International Day for Older Persons 2024, UN Decade of Healthy Ageing.

    Gavin Duffy Louth Age Friendly Ambassador is supporting the project as part of the Age Friendly Ireland ageism awareness campaign.

