WHO Theme: Community Support And Health Services
Health & Wellbeing Theme: Nutrition Eating Well
Funding Stream: Community Resilience Fund Covid, SICAP, Donations, HSE
Resources Required: Community Support, Financial, Paid Staff, Premises, Services, Volunteer Staff
Cost: 5000-10000
County Wide Food Banks and Meals on Wheels Service. Weekly delivery of food parcels to homes experiencing food poverty and/or meals on wheels service to older people over 65 years.
Aim of Initiative
Who is it aimed at
Older People, People experiencing Food Poverty, Vulnerable Persons
Steps critical to success
- Funding
- Collaboration at the local level
- Speed and flexibility to respond to the issues
Challenges in Planning / Delivery
- logistics given the scale of the initiative
- Ensuring consistent and high quality food supplies
- Ensuring we reach those most in need
Outcomes / Benefits
- Shining a light on food poverty which pre existed COVID
- Established a permanent county wide Meals On Wheels Service
- Strengthened relationships between local stakeholders
Evaluation / Report: