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Cavan Food Hub

Age Friendly Ireland

Cavan County Local Development Logo

WHO Theme: Community Support And Health Services

Health & Wellbeing Theme: Nutrition Eating Well

Funding Stream: Community Resilience Fund Covid, SICAP, Donations, HSE

Resources Required: Community Support, Financial, Paid Staff, Premises, Services, Volunteer Staff

Cost: 5000-10000


County Wide Food Banks and Meals on Wheels Service. Weekly delivery of food parcels to homes experiencing food poverty and/or meals on wheels service to older people over 65 years.

Aim of Initiative


Who is it aimed at

Older People, People experiencing Food Poverty, Vulnerable Persons

Steps critical to success

  1. Funding
  2. Collaboration at the local level
  3. Speed and flexibility to respond to the issues

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. logistics given the scale of the initiative
  2. Ensuring consistent and high quality food supplies
  3. Ensuring we reach those most in need

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Shining a light on food poverty which pre existed COVID
  2. Established a permanent county wide Meals On Wheels Service
  3. Strengthened relationships between local stakeholders

Evaluation / Report:

