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Bealtaine Caption Competition

Age Friendly Ireland

Age Friendly Galway

Programme: Galway County

WHO Theme: Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation

Funding Stream: Local AF Programme Funding

Resources Required: Community Support

Cost: 0 – 500

Status: Completed


As part of the Galway Bealtaine Festival Galway County Council in conjuction with Galway City Council and COPE Galway held a caption competition. Six pieces of artwork from the Galway Art Club were chosen for a Caption Competition. People were asked to get their creative hats on and write a short caption for one of the chosen artwork pieces. A small prize was given for the most original caption.

Aim of Initiative

Who is it aimed at

Older people

Steps critical to success

  1. Promotion of initiative
  2. Engaging participants
  3. na

Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Encouraging participation and engagement
  2. na
  3. na

Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Being creative which improves mental wellbeing
  2. na
  3. na

Evaluation / Report:

