Programme: Galway County
WHO Theme: Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation
Funding Stream: Local AF Programme Funding
Resources Required: Community Support
Cost: 0 – 500
Status: Completed
As part of the Galway Bealtaine Festival Galway County Council in conjuction with Galway City Council and COPE Galway held a caption competition. Six pieces of artwork from the Galway Art Club were chosen for a Caption Competition. People were asked to get their creative hats on and write a short caption for one of the chosen artwork pieces. A small prize was given for the most original caption.
Aim of Initiative
Who is it aimed at
Older people
Steps critical to success
- Promotion of initiative
- Engaging participants
- na
Challenges in Planning / Delivery
- Encouraging participation and engagement
- na
- na
Outcomes / Benefits
- Being creative which improves mental wellbeing
- na
- na
Evaluation / Report: