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Ballymore Eustace Age friendly climate friendly village The aim was to assist our ageing population

Age Friendly Ireland

Age Friendly Kildare

Programme: Kildare

WHO Theme: Outdoor Spaces and Buildings, Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation

Cost: 10000+

Status: Completed


Ballymore-Eustace was chosen as a village to become Age Friendly and Climate Friendly by the fact that in the last census of 2016, Ballymore-Eustace had the largest number of older residents per head of population in the county. From a Climate Action perspective, Ballymore-Eustace was chosen as an example of a rural commuter village and how it can integrate solutions at a community level to adapt to climate change.
The plan for Ballymore-Eustace was to determine the existing issues that impact the walkability of the village for older residents and vulnerable road users. By understanding the existing issues and discussing the potential solutions to addressing these issues, Ballymore-Eustace can improve its walkability and become a much easier public realm space to navigate.
The Climate Action Office is focused on mainstreaming Climate Action throughout the council functions which filters down to the communities of Kildare. The challenge in Ballymore-Eustace is to preserve and enhance the integrity of the village, its community, and its environment, while seeking sustainable solutions to building resilience as it adapts to climate change through community activation. This project has built relationships with both internal and external stakeholders. It has given the community a chance to feel heard with the extent of consultation but it has also given them an understanding of how each Dept. works and the level of collaboration among all. With significant public Realm changes, business recognition programmes , climate change initiatives the community have build sustainable relationships with many Departments including public representatives.Rather than just focus on mainstreet we looked at the amenities in the village. One such amenity was the riverwalk. We set
out to enhance the River Liffey Linear Walk in Ballymore Eustace to make it accessible to all. This is a wonderful addition, as
part of our Age friendly / Climate friendly village project. We applied to the Department and were awarded a grant to
commence work.
A river walk has been created in Ballymore Eustace and we have made 800m of that walk a climate friendly and accessible area. The walk (pre grant) was of trail standard and the purpose of the proposal was to fit a new surface which is fully accessible and climate friendly along with the creation of an accessible fishing bay.
This project has improved and encouraged the accessibility of, and participation in, community life for older persons and those with disabilities. This is supported by inclusion in community activities that take place along the river walk. This project creates accessible public and community spaces and also improves the accessibility of existing public and community spaces.

Aim of Initiative

The aim was to create an age friendly climate friendly village where all are welcome. The aim was to create conditions for full participation and social inclusion. The community have reported to us that since the work has been carried out , they can confirm that footfall has increased in the village again, Shop owners have seen a significant increase, the use of the new accessible riverwalk has increased significantly, by elderly people, both enjoying a safe space but also as a place to go to exercise / recuperate after illness, people with sensory issues who prefer a more natural nature environment (as opposed to busy streets) and people with physical disabilities especially wheelchair / wheel users. We have also put on several age friendly activities and these have been full each time creating an appetite for even more

Who is it aimed at

This was a community wide initiative cross societal. The aim was for those over 55 but this project has had far wider positive consequences.

3 Steps critical to success

  1. Consultation was key –
  2. Using the 4 step process and walkability audit tools
  3. Securing funding and further community collaboration once the walkability audit was complete

3 Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Creating community By-in, this is always a challenge as some resist change especially public realm parking etc
  2. Securing funding for the accessible riverwalk, Nothing is certain when dealing with the Department
  3. Getting the project officially launched as age friendly/ climate friendly village

3 Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Older residents felt heard and A safer village for all was created
  2. Secured funding to go beyond what were immediate goals. We were able to make long lasting changes that have benefited the entire community
  3. Created the first age friendly – climate friendly village. Create collaboration across many Departments and linking two age friendly outcomes

