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Annual Local Information Events for Over 55s in Fingal

Age Friendly Ireland

FCC CompactMark 1col 01 Official

Programme: Fingal

WHO Theme: Communication and Information

Cost: 0 – 500

Status: Ongoing


This initiative commenced post-covid when it became obvious with the re-opening of community centres and clubs in Fingal, that older people were reluctant to re-engage with activities and services. While the information events were successful, it was the methods used to advertise the events that proved most successful. Information was delivered in person to local shops and services such as the post office, GP, Health Centres, Chemist etc and even pubs, with leaflets delivered to venues where older people were likely to congregate such as churches, parish centres, libraries, and community centres. Staff were asked to encourage their customers, particularly those who may be more vulnerable, to attend. At each event, attendees were asked where they heard about the event with over 90% at each event indicating they received from sources listed above, although they were also advertised through social media.

Initially a small information event was held in Corduff Resource Centre with refreshments to encourage older people to reach out. Safety precautions were taken to ensure everyone felt safe and facemasks and hand sanitisers were provided. Information stands on local services and activities/clubs encouraged older residents of the area to re-engage. While the numbers in attendance at this event were small i.e. circa 60 older people, the feedback from the service providers, encouraged us to continue the events in other areas. Both HSE and Alone were surprised but delighted at the number of referrals they received at the event, many of whom would have been missed until it was a crisis. A second similar event was held in Mountview Community Centre in Dublin 15.

While the idea of one large showcase event was considered, an evaluation of the two events in 2023, suggested that smaller local events on a regular basis were more likely to target those most in need of locally based current information on services and activities. In 2023, a further two events were held, one in Swords and the other in Baldoyle/Sutton. Venues were chosen based on familiarity and accessibility and in both areas, the events took place in local sports clubs. Both these events attracted large numbers of older people who appreciated the opportunity to chat to representatives from service providers such as the HSE, Alone, MABS, An Garda Siochana, Citizens Information, Dublin Fire Brigade, Fingal Healthy Homes Co-Ordinator, Libraries, Age Action Care & Repair, DDLETB, Sage Advocacy, Fingal Community & Sports Officers, Age Friendly Ireland as well as representatives from Fingal OPC, community centres and local groups. At the event in Baldoyle/Sutton, Alone representatives commented on the number of queries from older people interested in volunteering with them. Again tea/coffee provided an opportunity to rest and chat with others.

The success of these events has resulted in a commitment by Age Friendly Fingal to continue to run two events each year in different parts of the county. In March 2024 an Information Event took place in Blanchardstown library attracting nearly 200 local older people. The next event is scheduled to take place in Balbriggan in September 2024.

Aim of Initiative

To provide older people with information on events, services and supports available to them in their neighbourhood, town, or village. The aim to provide them with the information about the ‘Information Events’ in an accessible format.

Who is it aimed at

Everyone over the age of 55 years in specific geographic areas. However, it is specifically targets, older people who may be more vulnerable or less able to access appropriate and up-to-date information online through trusted service providers.

3 Steps critical to success

  1. Appropriate and local advertisement is critical. The digital gap became more obvious as the information events were rolled out. It is essential that local service providers are not only informed about the event and provided with leaflets but asked to encourage their customers who they know would benefit from attending. As research has suggested (Murphy, 2012) older people will attend events if invited or encouraged by trusted people in the community i.e. pharmacist, GP, post office staff, priest and even the hairdresser! However, social media is also required as often children will bring their parents having seen it advertised on social media.
  2. Venues and timing must be suitable. The events were organised in local venues familiar to older people that were accessible by public transport, had plenty of carparking and were on the flat. Venues with stairs were avoided regardless of whether a lift was available. The days and times were carefully considered with afternoon events, deemed appropriate as some older people depend on others to assist them in the morning and many like to have lunch or indeed lunch may be delivered at a specific time. The days of the week were also carefully chosen. Mid-week was deemed most suitable as many older people visit family at weekends and a mid-week event would provide them with something to look forward to between family visits. Shopping, post office, and hairdressing days were also considered!
  3. Collaboration is essential and it is necessary to ensure buy-in from service providers and ensure that it does not become too time consuming or burdensome. The events take place over two hours. Networking is essential to ensure the correct services and personnel are present at events. At each event, service providers are encouraged to attend the next event or provide contacts/introductions to the most suitable person to attend these area-based events.

3 Challenges in Planning / Delivery

  1. Resources in terms of manpower to deliver flyers and to talk to those working in the various shops and services to ensure they understand the importance of encouraging their older customers/clients to attend information events.
  2. Acquiring an appropriate accessible venue on a suitable day/time at an economic cost has proven a challenge in some areas and as such, good local knowledge is required.
  3. The success of the initiative is challenging with constant requests from Councillors not only to hold events in specific areas but to hold annual events in multiple areas

3 Outcomes / Benefits

  1. Targeting information about the events to trusted services providers, ensured those who were less likely to receive information online were encouraged to attend.
  2. Feedback from service providers suggested that many individuals who spoke to them were indeed in need of supports but would not have come to their attention but for the event.
  3. This initiative has proved to be a suitable and sustainable method of bridging the digital gap among older people and importantly at a very low cost, ensuring it can be achievable by Age Friendly Teams in other local authorities. Success has led to many requests from various sources to run similar events with increasing number attending each event.

