Programme: Monaghan
WHO Theme: Communication and Information
Funding Stream: Community Resilience Fund Covid
Resources Required: Community Support, Financial, Paid Staff, Services, Volunteer Staff
Cost: 0 – 500
Status: Completed
A variety of Keep Well flyers were produced and circulated by the Monaghan Age Friendly Programme and targeted at older, isolated or vulnerable members in our community. 1500 boxes of Christmas treats/biscuits were supplied to over 30 social day care services, local meals on wheels services, senior alert groups and SVdeP to be distributed to the older members of their communities. The Age Friendly Keep Well Booklet containing important information on keeping well during this time and some tips and advice on looking after your mental health has been distributed across the county. 8000 copies of the booklet were delivered by Monaghan Gardai to all nursing homes in the county, Meals on Wheels services, and the HSE Services for older people team. Copies of the booklet are also available in all Pharmacies and Supervalu stores across the county. A 12 week programme on the local radio station allowed weekly guest speakers to contribute on a variety of health and wellbeing topics. Over 20 podcasts were then uploaded to the keep well section of the County Council website.
Aim of Initiative
Isolated older people
Who is it aimed at
Isolated older people
Steps critical to success
- Listen to feedback from older peoples council regarding ways to communicate.
- Keep the message simple and relevant to the audience.
- Collaborate with external partners providing existing services to older people.
Challenges in Planning / Delivery
- Trying to ensure that you reach everyone in your target audience with your message.
- With lockdown restrictions, getting delivery of material into the hands of older people.
Outcomes / Benefits
- Fantastic feedback received
- Increased numbers joining the Whatapps group receving additional daily information
- Accurate information being providing with local contact numbers for services and supports that might be needed by an older person.